Ch. 5 Ice cream + a good friends = Perfect remedy to a broken heart....

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Three albums later i heard a knock on my door. I didn't want to deal with anyone so i just ignored it. Sadly the knocking persisted, so i slowly got ready to knock whoever was behind the door out. Unlocked the door and swung it open just to see Peyton about to knock again. Peyton wasn't the only culprit; Alexis, Ally and Tanya were behind him.

"What do y'all want?" I asked slightly confused.

Ally was the one to speak up as Peyton was still frozen mid-knock. "Well your mom explained things to Peyton so he texted us so umm we brought ice cream and thought we would come cheer you up." She smiled. I smiled but inside I didn't really want to deal with people. They walked in as i opened the door a little more.

"So care to explain a little more about what happened today?" Tanya asked like it didn't really matter.

"Tanya you could at least be a little more respectful Shawna is obviously feeling pain. I thought you knew better than this." Ally stated very motherly. Tanya just rolled her eyes and sat on the floor shutting up and not saying another word. Alexis and Ally sat on my bed beside me as Peyton shut the door and lingered there for a moment.

"We are here to listen and try and help the best we can Shawna." Alexis explained. "Y'all don't have to ill be fine by tomorrow. Today just took me by surprise that was all." I tried to lie. Thats when Peyton spoke up "Shawna you can't lie to us. We are your friends. This morning you weren't just admiring that car; were you? You knew that was his car...".

"Yeah something like that. I was hoping it wasn't but we all know how well that worked out.." I mumbled. I didn't want to go through this all over again but obviously things never go my way.

Ally spoke up "Shawna talk to us. We are your friend's; you can trust us. We won't say anything just listen. We want to help you anyway we can."

I looked at all of them, they all looked at me hoping I would open up except Tayna. She looked like she didn't even really care. I was unsure if I should truly trust them but what did I have to lose when I have already lost everything. I sat back down on my bed and Peyton and the twins joined me but Tayna hung back. I took a deep breath and explained everything that happened that day from start to end.

Ally and Alexis tackled me in a hug and i didn't know how to respond except laugh which i hadn't done in ages! It felt really good to finally laugh. "Alright girls. Get up let her breath." Chuckled Peyton. They finally let up but still sat right next to me. Peyton looked over at me and it looked like he had mixed feelings about this situation. I couldn't quite get an exact reading on what those feelings were though.

"I don't understand though? Why not just confront him on why he did it? I mean why act like a child and run away from the situation?" Tanya finally spoke up. It surprised us all that she was participating. "Well i mean Tanya he explained to me why he left. I have that answer bug for your other question..." I paused. "I just couldn't take him acting like nothing happened, like he didn't hurt me. That i didn't go through hell the entire summer just wishing that it had never happened. Do you understand what it feels like to be rejected by the one you would give up anything for?" I finally finished actually surprised with my response. Alexis and Ally just looked down, i felt like i had missed something completely. Tanya's jaw dropped and she walked out of my bedroom; slamming the door in the process. I just sat there stunned by what had just happened.

It was quiet for a straight 30 minutes until Peyton spoke up. "Ummm i think I'm just going to go home. I'll pick you up in the morning Shawna." He awkwardly shuffled out of my room. "Okay is anyone going to explain what just happened here?" I questioned the twins. Silence stayed for at least another twenty minutes before they decided to even move. "Well umm you see the thing is ummm..." Ally stammered. "We can't exactly tell you. We kind of promised Tanya a long time ago." Alexis finally stated. Ally got up and walked in my closet. "Shawna do you know what we need to do know?" She questioned me as she went through my clothes. "Ummm not really. Why are you going through my closet." I was slightly embarrassed i didn't have the greatest taste in clothing. She tossed a glance and smiled at Alexis. "Yes sister that is a great idea. Make him regret his decision." I became very, very nervous. "Could you please include me in your scheming?" I pleaded.

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