Breath of Fresh Air

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The bell had rung to signal the end of the day. Peyton was waiting by my locker. I silently groaned; what did he want now? "Hey Peyton" I smiled. "Hey I was just wondering if you wanted to come over?" He asked with a huge grin. "Umm I don't know. I think I'm just going to hang with my little brothers." I had to get out of this. I didn't know how I felt about what happened yet. Peyton looked disappointed. "Oh that's fine. Some other time then. Bye Shawna" He walked off and I couldn't help but let out a breath of relief.
I shut my locker and hurried out of school before I could run into anyone else. I was so happy when my jeep started up and I was out of the parking lot. I wasn't quite ready to go home so I headed off to the beach.
I finally reached the beach; I parked my jeep with the tailgate facing the water. I shut off my jeep and went to sit on the tailgate. I took my boots off so I could feel the sand between my toes. There was a nice breeze blowing in from the ocean. It was so relaxing; my mind could finally go blank. I sat and watched the waves for who knows how long.
"I'm so sick of that same old love..." my silence was cut by my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID and it was my mom. What did she want..."Hey mo..." I tried to talk but she was already speaking. "Shawna where the hell are you?!? School was over two in a half hours ago and you are still not home!!" I looked at the time and sure enough she was right. "Mom. Mom. MOM!! I am fine. I just needed to clear my head. I am headed home now." I stated trying to calm her down. "I want you home NOW!!" "Mom I am heading home now. I will see you in a little bit." I stated before hanging up the phone. I slowly slid my boots back on and closed the tailgate. While hopping into the drivers seat I couldn't help but feel peaceful. I could get through this. Everything will work it's self out.
As I pulled up to the house I saw mom standing in the driveway. I looked next door and Peyton's bike wasn't there luckily. I didn't feel like dealing with him. I parked my jeep and took a deep breath preparing for moms rant. "Hi mom" I slowly smiled. "Oh don't you "hi mom" me. You need to explain to me where you have been for two in a half hours without letting me know anything."
"Mom I went to the beach to think. I had a rough day at school needed to get away. I am sorry I didn't let you know. I didn't even think I would be gone that long." I tried to explain to her.
She looked shocked and then she composed herself "Honey is everything okay?" I shook my head "Mom can we go inside?" She slowly nodded and guided me inside. I walked upstairs to her room. I climbed onto her bed and waited for her to join me. She walked into her room with chips and salsa and ice cream. She locked her door and joined me on the bed. It was just like old times. "Honey what's wrong?" She questioned. "Well uh I kinda ran into Booboo..." I slowly started but was interrupted."I thought that was a good thing?" She questioned. "It is but then last night Peyton kissed me. And today at lunch Booboo pulled me aside and said he will do anything to prove he won't leave again. I am just so confused because I don't know what to do mom. Do I go with Peyton? The one who is new. Or go with Booboo? The one I already have history with but broke my heart." I finally got it all off my chest. Mom thought for a minute and then spoke "Shawna you need to follow your heart. I know your scared but no matter what you have to do what is best for yourself. See how things go with Booboo. See if he can stay true to his word. Also maybe you should see how things go with Peyton. You might find that new things can be good also. But in the end everything will be fine honey." Mom pulled me into her arms and turned on Teen Wolf. I loved her she knew this would help cheer me up. It was like back in the old days. Junk food, movies and mom with her wise words. We laid like that for awhile. The clock read 10 and that was when mom decided it was time for us to both go to bed. She gave me a hug and kiss goodnight.
I left her room and slowly walked into mine. I stripped out of my clothes and started the shower. I just stood under the hot water and let it erase the days stress away.
My fingers started to get all old like so I decided it was time to get out and lay down. I put on a black tank top and black sofie shorts and slipped under my covers. I set my alarm for 7:00 and closed my eyes. Unconsciousness slowly came over me and this stressful day was finally over.

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