Let's try this again...

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Author's note: hey guys i am so sorry it has taken so long for me to update but here it is. Let me know what y'all think. I would love some feedback. Love you all <3

*********Booboo's POV*************
6:00 a.m
I slowly woke up to the sun rising and I jumped out of bed. I changed into my grey running sweats and matching hoodie. "Time for my run" I thought to myself. Running was one way to clear my head, I ran every morning. I grabbed my iPod and jogged down the stairs and out the door. This was my favorite time of day because it was just so peaceful. No one was awake yet and everything was just quiet. You would never know of all the unpleasant events occurring in the world like my shattering heart. I had to figure someway to get her to talk to me. I have to find a way to get her to realize just how much I regretted that day. My legs were starting to burn; I had probably been running for at least 8 miles. I looked around to try and figure out where I was. I had never ran this way before; it looked so foreign. As I was looking around i saw the motorcycle I had seen Shawna on. That must be that guys house; i really hope they are just friends because I don't think i could go through seeing her move on. I shook that thought out of my head and ran back home to get ready for school.
I walked the door and I heard mom "Booboo how was your run? There is some food in here for you." I walked into the kitchen sat down at the table and started devouring the eggs and bacon that was on my plate. It didn't take me very long to finish the food "thanks mom. I'm going to get ready now." I ran up to my room and straight to my bathroom and started the shower. I stripped out of my sweaty clothes and stepped into the steaming shower. The hot water eased my sore muscles and helped me relax.
I finally stepped out of the shower really not wanting to leave the warmth. I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked to my closet. I searched through my jeans to end up choosing my navy blue worn out blue jeans. I grabbed a plain white tee and my leather jacket with my black high tops. I looked in the mirror and just ran my fingers through my hair and left my bathroom. I grabbed my bag and headed for the front door. "Bye momma" I yelled as I walked out the door towards my black challenger. I mindlessly drove to the school parking lot. I was one of the first ones their. It didn't look like Shawna and her friend had showed up yet so I decided to wait for her by my car.
Not even seconds later I saw a blue jeep wrangler drive up. I knew instantly it was her. While she was parking I walked up to her door so she couldn't run from me and we could finally talk. She hadn't seen me yet cause she was reaching for her bag when she sat up she jumped and looked surprised. "Oh uh Booboo what are you doing here?" She questioned.
"Oh um we really need to talk Shawna. Please. I won't leave you alone until we talk." I started walking over to her passenger side door, opened it and hopped in. She looked stunned by what I had just done. Her mouth hung open and she looked just as adorable as the first day I meet her. "What are you doing Booboo? We have to get inside and to our classes." "Shawna just drive. Trust me we will be fine." She cautiously started the car and started driving out of the school parking lot.
I couldn't believe that she had actually done what I said.
"So where exactly are we going?" She questioned without looking at but straight at the road. "I will give you directions." I smiled. Maybe things are turning around.
15 mins. later
We were at the beach; I figured this would be a good place to talk. "The beach?" She questioned. "Yeah, it's peaceful." I stated. She backed up her jeep in the parking spot. We got out and she dropped the tailgate for us to sit on. We sat there for a minute not saying a word, just watching the waves crash against the sand. "So?" She awkwardly shifted. "Shawna.....I'm sorry!" I paused "I just really need you to know that. I didn't want to do what I did. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. You can ask anyone; I haven't been the same since that day." The words just jumbled out of my mouth so fast I didn't think she could even understand what I said. My breathing was ragged. She looked shocked and I didn't know what to do. I was about to say something when her mouth opened and then closed again. "It's okay Shawna you can say whatever you want to I can take it." I stated not even believing my own words. If she said that she didn't want anything to do with me. I would never be able to take that. She slowly started to talk "umm well Booboo I really don't know what to say. I mean after that day I wasn't myself anymore. I was just the girl who had the chance to hang out with the oh so amazing Booboo Stewart. I couldn't go anywhere without someone bringing up those devastating events. I just ended up not leaving my home because I couldn't take it anymore. It was depressing because in that short time I truly fell hard for you and you just up and disappeared." She stopped talking and the look on her face was as if she couldn't believe she just said all that. "I truly never meant to hurt you Shawna. I regret that decision everyday. Not a day goes by that I don't wish I had done things differently. I just want to make things up to you. Those feelings never vanished and I will do anything to gain your trust back." She looked deep in thought and I didn't disturb her thoughts. I just patiently waited for her response. Her phone started ringing off the hook and so did mine. I turned mine off and surprisingly she did the same with hers. "I really don't know what to say." I spoke up "You don't have to say anything. Just give me a chance to prove it to you." She sat there for a second before sighing "fine."
I jumped off the tailgate and faced her "Well since we are skipping and already at the beach. Let's have some fun." I smiled. I slowly went to grab her hand but she jumped off the tailgate and shut it before I could. She locked her jeep and started walking towards the water, I slowly followed her. She looked gorgeous; she was wearing a tan blouse with a black bandeau top underneath. The back of the blouse looked to be crocheted. She was wearing some shorts that had a hole on the right thigh that looked like the crotchet on the back of her blouse. She had on gold gladiator sandals but she left those at her jeep. She walked to the water and stopped right where the water just reached her feet. I slowly joined her; standing quietly next to her. We stayed there not saying a word for what felt like forever.
Suddenly I heard her stomach growl. "Hey would you like to get something to eat? I know of a great pasta place right up the beach. It's a little family owned joint." I smiled. "Sure. That sounds great." She smiled back. We slowly walked up the beach until we reached Papa's Pasta. We walked up to the door when Shawna suddenly stopped. "Uh Booboo I don't have my shoes..." She looked nervous. "Oh that's fine Shawna. Pops won't mind." We walked in when I saw pops behind the counter. Pops was a 50 year old, tan Italian man. His hair was already peppered grey but he had the heart of a man 20 years younger than him.
"Hey Booboo. How have you been? Haven't seen you in awhile. Oh you have a friend with you." Pops started walking around the front country walking towards us while wiping his hands off in his apron. "Hello I'm Marco but you can call me pops." He smiled while sticking his hand out for Shawna to shake. She took his hand while saying "Hi I'm Shawna." Pops face lit up; he knew everything because he was like a second father to me. "You can have a seat wherever you like. What can I get you to drink?" He questioned. I spoke up "one sprite and one sweet tea." Shawna looked shocked at what I said. We sat down at a booth by the windows so we could still see the beach. "You remembered what I was drinking that day?" She questioned. "Of course. I remember everything from that day." I confess. Pops returns with our drinks. "Booboo does Nick know you are not at school today? You know how my son can get." He smiled. "Uhh not exactly pops. He was probably the person trying to get ahold of me earlier. But I kind of just shut off my phone." I chuckled. Nick gets very upset when I don't show up to school because he hates when it is just him and Carter. Pops just shook his head "I probably would never turn that phone back on unless you want to face Nicks wrath. So what can I get you both to eat?" Shawna started looking at the menu but I just took it from her and spoke up "We will have Antonio's specialty." Pop's just smiled and walked to the back. Shawna looked confused. "Trust me Shawna. Antonio is one amazing cook; his mom taught him very well. Oh and Antonio is Pops oldest son." I explained. Realization hit her face and she took a sip of her sweet tea.
We just sat in silence looking out at the beach and occasionally sipping our drinks. When out of the corner of my eye I saw Antonio walking out of the kitchen holding our plates. He walked up to the table and set down our plates. Antonio looked a lot like his father but he had a more muscular build with dark brown, wavy hair. "Hey Booboo. How ya been man? And nice to finally meet the infamous Shawna." He smiled. I could not believe he just said that. I could feel my cheeks heating up. Shawna just giggled and said hello. She looked down at her plate and looked amazed. "Well I have to get back to the kitchen. Enjoy the food and it was nice meeting you Shawna and Booboo don't be such a stranger." Antonio walked off. I looked down at my own plate it matched Shawna's. It was penne noodles smothered in Alfredo sauce with fresh garlic and bits of chicken and bacon smothered with Parmesan cheese. Shawna started eating and didn't stop until she had to breath. I giggled "enjoying the pasta?" She just smiled and nodded. "I told you. Trust Antonio." I smiled.
"So uh Shawna what moved you to California?" I questioned trying to make small talk. Shawna paused and spoke up "My dad got a promotion with work and it moved us here."
"Oh. Well are you enjoying California so far? And your classes?" I continued questioning. "It's pretty here. I mean I miss Wyoming. Especially my mustang Lucca. He was my baby and I couldn't bring him cause we have no room for him. Classes seem to be going good so far. Oh and Booboo I have a question." "Shoot." "Well if you are already a profound actor why do you go to Cassadie's School for the Gifted?" She looked puzzled. "Well you see you can never learn too much. Plus it helps me become a better actor and musician." I answered honestly.
We want back to our pasta without saying another word until our pasta had disappeared. "Well ready to head back to the jeep?" I asked her. "Sure. Sounds good." We stood up and headed towards the door but not until i laid down a hundred dollar bill. "Booboo that is a lot of money. Did you mean to set that down?" She looked concerned. "Shawna pops doesn't charge me since I am like a third son to him so I always leave a huge tip to help them out." I explained so she didn't think I was insane. "See ya pops" I yelled as we walked out the door. We walked back to the jeep and hopped in. The clock showed that school was already over. "Well I guess the day is over and time to head back to reality" I joked. "Yeah I guess" she said as she started heading back to the school.
It was a quiet ride back except for the radio. We reached the parking lot and she parked in the same spot she was in earlier. There were less cars than before. "Well I guess I will see ya later. If ya need me you have my number Shawna. You can contact me day or night; rain or shine." I stated so she knew she could count on me. "Okay. Goodbye Booboo." She slowly said as I got out of the jeep. I headed back to my challenger and looked back to see her just sitting there watching me. When she realized I caught her she started the jeep back up and drove off. Well today went better than I thought it would.

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