Let's See How This Goes

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"The sun goes down the stars come out. My universe will never be the same. Im glad you came.." my alarm was going off; i slowly grabbed my phone to turn it off when something caught my eye. I rubbed my eyes to help wipe away the sleepyness. I looked at my phone again and saw a text from Booboo. "Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go to the street fair with me... Please let me know when you get this. I will keep my fingers crossed!!" I thought about what mom had said last night and thought why the hell not. I quickly texted him back "sure. When?"
I walked to my closet to figure out what to wear. I start scanning all my clothes when my eyes catch my white summer dress and it all came together.

 I start scanning all my clothes when my eyes catch my white summer dress and it all came together

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I grabbed the dress, my tan gladiator sandals and ran into my bathroom. I quickly changed into my dress and started with my hair. I decided to wear it down with loose beach waves and a white flower hair band. I started on my makeup when I heard my phone ding letting me know I had a text. It was from Booboo "Great! Send me your address and I will pick you up in an hour." I couldn't help but smile and get butterflies in my stomach. I hurried and finished my makeup deciding to go the most natural look with it. I ran out of my bathroom and plopped down on the edge of my bed to put on my sandals. Once they were on I sped walked down the stairs looking for my mom.
Everyone was in the dining room eating breakfast which looked to be scrambled eggs, hash browns and bacon. I walked in calmly so no one would suspect just how excited I was. Dad was the first one to speak "I was just about to call you down. Perfect timing honey." He paused when he took in my appearance "uhh honey where are you going all dressed up like that..." I looked into his eyes "Dad I'm not dressed up I just so happen to not be wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Which speaking of going somewhere Booboo invited me to the street fair and I kind of said I would go...that's if it's okay with y'all.." I asked. I looked between mom and dad knowing mom would be fine with it but dad would take some convincing. "Isn't he the boy who broke your heart last summer?" Dad asked. Damn you dad for being so good with names. "Uhh yeah but he is wanting to make up for that and make things right especially now that we go to the same school." I quickly spit out. I looked at mom pleading for her to say something. She reached for dads hand "dear I think it would be fine. But of course we would like to meet him first." Mom smiled at me with knowing eyes. I unlocked my phone to text Booboo "hey so I talked to my parents and they want to meet you before I can officially go...😒" My phone quickly buzzed and I got butterflies in my stomach. I unlocked my phone to read the text "Of course. I would be more than happy to meet them😄I smiled down at my phone. The butterflies started a mosh pit inside my stomach.
"So what did he say? Did he back out afraid of us?" Chris laughed jokingly. I looked at my brother with a smile "No. Actually he will be here in a few minutes." Nothing was going to ruin my good mood.
I was too nervous to eat anything knowing he would be here any minute. I went to the pantry to grab a granola bar for later when I heard the doorbell ring. I took a deep breath and heard my mother answer the door.
"Hello you must be Booboo. I am Maggie, Shawna's mother. Come in." I heard the door shut which meant they were moving into the living room where he would get the third degree from my family. I had to save him from them.
I stepped into the living room and everyone grew quiet. I looked around the room and when my eyes found his the butterflies disappeared. I felt at home. "Hi." was all I could get out.
"Hello Beautiful" he smiled standing up to greet me. My parents just looked at us with smiles on their faces. "You kids have fun!" Mom said with a smile.
I reached for Booboo's hand and dragged him out of the house while grabbing my purse. I didn't look back until we were next to my jeep. "I am so sorry for what they might of said." I smiled not making direct eye contact.
"They weren't that bad. They just want what is best for you. They are unsure of me because of last summer. Which i will do everything in my power to prove to you that it won't happen again." He gently placed his hand under my chin lifting my head so I would look him in the eyes.
Once my eyes met his all my worries disappeared. "Let's do this." I smiled. I could see his (car) from the corner of my eye. "But we are taking my car." He just started laughing "But i'm driving" he winked.
I just shook my head and laughed. He started my jeep and immediatley one of my favorite songs started blasting through my speakers. "Love me like you do, la la love me like you do. Touch me like you, ta ta touch me like you do. What are you waiting for?"  I started singing along and before i knew it we were both singing along as loud as we could.
We reached a stop light and i turned to Booboo and grabbed his hand while singing along even louder. "I'll let you set the pace. 'Cause I'm not thinking straight. My head's spinning around I can't see clear no more
What are you waiting for?" We continued singing and even after the song was over Booboo refused to let go off my hand and i didn't mind at all.
I couldn't say how long we had been driving but i never wanted this to end. I noticed that we were slowing down and thats when i decided to look out the window. That was when i saw all the carnival rides and game booths.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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