Ch.1 Devastating News

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School ended, Summer came and went and my day with him seemed like it never happened. The only evidence i had was the note and a text message.

Everyone had started to treat me different after that day because of him, the youtube video. I had tried to forget him but the media wouldn't let me. It seemed like all they could talk about was his character in Eclipse. I couldn't even watch my favorite show CSI Miami because he ended up guest starring.

So what did i do all summer?? I sat in my room and did absolutely nothing because i couldn't go anywhere without people asking what it was like to spend a whole day with.....Booboo Stewart.

"Shawna get down here we are having a family discussion." mom yelled upstairs from the dining room.

"fine i'm coming but what is this about?" i shouted while slowly walking down the stairs and into the dining room to see my mom and dad sitting at the table.

"Ok mom whats up?" i asked confused we havent had a family discussion since i started going to public school.

"Well honey your dad finally got that promotion he has been working on."

"thats awesome but i don't see why we need to have family disscussion over that."

Thats when dad spoke up "well honey this promotion leads us to California."

I stared at them in disbelief "Wha...what part of California?" i stuttered.

"Las Angeles, California will be where we are moving." dad stated.

"LLL L.A? Really?? But i can't leave its MY SENIOR YEAR MY FRIENDS ARE HERE MY LIFE IS HERE" i stuttered then started yelling.

"i'm sorry honey but we have to there is no other choice." mom stated calmly.

"but how could you just up and leave your friends and life mom? How could you do this to Nathan and Chris?? They have only known this life and your just going to change it on them.. on me?" i nearly screamed.

"Honey we have already discussed this with Nathan and Chris and they are both perfectly fine with this. They see this as a new adventure." mom spoke.

I was never going to get through to mom so I turned to dad "Can you just decline the promotion daddy?"

My dad finally looked me in the eyes "i'm sorry sweetie i am the only one qualified for the job."

"GOD I HATE THIS I HATE YOU BOTH!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME YOUR ONLY DAUGHTER YOUR BABY GIRL?!?! HOW COULD YOU?!?!?" i yelled as i ran out the door out to the stables where my baby boy Luka the appaloosa was waiting. I ran straight to his stall, grabbed his bridle and tack. It took me less than five minutes to have him ready to ride and i did just that; i had Luka gallop out of the stables and into the open fields. The faster Luka galloped the less i cared about California and all that comes along such as loss, anger and heartbreak.

I raced around the green rolling fields until the purple/pink/orange sunset appeared which meant it was about 6:35. I had left the house at about 2:30 and nobody had even bothered to come find me. I saw the huge oak tree were i spent my childhood climbing and my days now thinking. I stopped Luka under it and laid down looking up into the leaves.


"How could this happen to me? Why me? Why does everything bad have to happen to me?? What did i do to deserve any of this? First i meet the guy of my dreams and have the best day of my life. Then you have to go and take him away from me because his famous. And now your taking me to where he lives where i can live this heartbreak all over again? Why are you so cruel life? Once i'm finally happy you have to go and take it away from me. Then again moving could be a way for me to start over without all these questions about him, plus its not like i'm ever going to see him LA is a big city and if i do i will show him what his missing out on." i stood up and rode Luka back home where i ran into Nathan.

"Shawna are you okay? You were out there for quite awhile." he asked concerned for a eleven year old he was very insightful.

"Yeah Nath i'm fine. Thanks for asking." i state while trying to sidestep Nathan to leave the stables.

"Shawna i know when your lying i might only be eleven but i'm very mature for my age i can handle whatever you wanna talk about" he stated smugly knowing he'd won. I sat on a bale of hay looking up at my little brother. He was the person who was there for me when Booboo left i told him everything more than what i even told mom and dad.

"Nath California is where he is." I told him like it was obvious.

"is that not a good thing? I mean you can have a second chance at what y'all had." Nathan asked slightly confused.

"but Nath he left me because he didn't want the paparazzi to get a hold of me so you think a change of venue would change all that?"

"Shawna LA is where people go to become somebody. You could become a "somebody". I mean you are always the lead in the school plays what makes you say you couldn't get into some fancy school and hit it big time?" he said like he believed it could happen. I have such an optimistic little brother.

"Nath i don't even know where to start. What school i should go to or even what school i could get into if its even possible." i stated hopeless

"well you could start with this application to LA's finest private school for the talented Cassadie's School for the Gifted." he said grinning holding up the paper.

"Nath your amazing but how did you get this in such little time i mean mom and dad just told us today and i thought you and Chris were going to the movies with Jonathan?"

"Well when mom, dad told Chris and i the news i decided instead of being selfish and going to the movies I would help my big sister conquer her dreams and maybe along the way find love again?" he said with hope filled sea blue eyes.

"Thank you so much Nath you are by far the best little brother a sister could have." i said while grabbing him in a bear hug until i realized "Nath what about the tuition? I mean a school like this has to be expensive and its not like mom and dad will pay for this; i just talked them into letting me go to public school after all." i started to panic.

"Shawna calm down i have already talked to mom and dad about this; i was on the stairs when you stormed out, i talked to them told them that this is the best opportunity for you to finally be happy and help with your future. Which me being the persuasive child i am convinced them to let you go." Nathan stated with a sparkle in his eyes.

"God Nath what would i do without you?"

"you wouldn't even be able to survive without me Shawna." he said grinning from ear to ear knowing he was right.

"woah look at the time its already 10:35. Better be getting to bed Nath or mummy is going to get mad at me for keeping you up so late i mean you are still such a LITTLE KID." i giggled putting emphasis on little kid.

"Heyy i'm not that little i mean i just helped with a life changing dilemma did i not?" he suggested.

"Your still under 14 so your still a little kid in my book." i said while putting him in a headlock and messing up his "perfect" hair.

"Fine fine i will go to bed just leave the hair alone will ya." he stated running to the house and to bed. I slowly walked back to the house and up to my room while thinking about all the possibilities this school would open up for me. I sat the application on my desk to be looked at in morning but for now i wanted to get reacquainted with my lovely bed.

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