Tell us everything...!!!

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****Shawna's POV****************
The drive home never seemed so long until today. My mind kept replaying the events from today. I wasn't quite sure how to interpret what he said today. I mean how am I suppose to trust him again when he made leaving me look so easy.
I arrived home and slowly started getting out of my jeep. As I was walks up to my front door I suddenly heard my name being shouted. I turned around to see the twins and Tanya walking towards me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice the dark purple Volkswagen bug parked on by the curb.
"Oh hey guys." I said waiting for them to reach me. When they finally reached me we all headed for the front door. "Would y'all like anything to snack on?" I asked as I grabbed a glass to get some sweet tea. Alexis spoke up "Sure. What ya got?" "Oh umm I'm not sure. Help yourselves." I smiled. They started rummaging through the cabinets and fridge. Alexis grabbed a bag of barbecue chips, Ally grabbed some carrots with ranch and Tanya had made herself a sandwich. I just laughed and shook my head at how different they all were. We headed up the stairs and to my bedroom.
I threw my bag on the floor and turned on some music. Ally and Tanya were sitting on my little white couch and Alexis sat on my bed with me. "So not that I don't appreciate the surprise visit. But what made y'all come over unannounced?" I questioned while stealing some chips. "Well you weren't at school today and neither was Booboo but his car was their. After school Ally was waiting for us out front and that is when she saw you pull up with Booboo in your passenger seat. So obviously we had to come over immediately to figure out what happened." Tanya explained. "Oh.." I couldn't believe they saw that. I didn't even see ally earlier. "TELL US EVERYTHING!!!!!!" All three of them yelled with glee. They looked like three little girls on Christmas morning. "Well umm there's not much to tell..." I hesitated. "There has to be something. You were both gone all day." Ally stated.
"Well he bombarded me at my jeep, we just went to the beach and talked" I slowly explained. "Well what did he say? What did you say." Alexis babbled. So I had no choice but to explain to them what happened and of course they wanted detail.
*******10 mins later************
I had finally finished telling them everything. They sat in silence for a little bit and then they all started bombarding me with questions. "So what are you going to do?" "Are you going to give him another chance?" "Do you still like him like that?" "Can you trust him again?" "This is what you wanted right?" "Did you at least have fun today."
"STOP!" I snapped. They all stopped and just sat there; looking at me. "I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to snap on y'all. You were just all talking at once and asking questions that I don't have the answer to yet." I apologized.
"It's okay Shawna. We understand and we're sorry." Tanya spoke up. Ally and Alexis nodded along with what Tanya was saying. "Just do what you think is right and what you believe you can handle. Take it slow, have him earn your trust back and see where you both end up. Who knows he may surprise you in the best of ways." Tanya's words reminded me of something that Nathan would say. I just nodded and laid down thinking. "Well I think its about time we head home Ally. Mom is going to have dinner ready soon and we still have to take Tanya home." Alexis stated. "Okay well good luck Shawna and remember you will always have the three of us. Come on guys let's head out." Ally said while giving me a hug.  Alexis came over and gave me a hug as well while Tanya hug back by the door and then they left me...alone with my thoughts. That was probably a bad idea; leaving me alone with just my thoughts. I turned up my iPod enough to where I could focus on that and block out my thoughts. For a moment though after Tanya's advice I thought we had made a break through but then she still seemed guarded.

I awoke to a knock on my door and that was when I realized I had passed out. I looked at my clock and noticed it had been at least an hour since the girls left. I heard the knock again "come in." My door opened and I saw Peyton walking in. "Hey Shawna. I just came over to make sure everything was okay. You weren't at school today." He looked concerned as he said this. "Oh I just didn't really feel up to going to day. So i just went to the beach and explored a little." I lied. For some reason I didn't want Peyton to know I was with Booboo. "Oh okay. I understand. By the way your mom wanted me to let you know that dinner was ready." He smiled. I paused my iPod and got up out of bed. We walked downstairs to the dining room where the boys, mom and dad were already seated. "Shawna mom made rosemary grilled chicken!" Chris exclaimed all excited. This was his favorite dish that mom made. I started to pull out my own chair when I noticed the extra plate. That is when mom spoke up "Peyton go ahead and have a seat. I always make extra." Peyton smiled and sat down next to me "Thank you Mrs. Taylor." Mom and dad were at each end of the table while Nathan was across from me and Chris was across from Peyton. Peyton, Chris and dad were all engaged in a intense conversation that I believe was about how interesting California was. Mom was distracted by her cooking magazine. "Shawna so how is it going so far?" Nathan questioned me. "Good I guess. You were right like always. He cornered me and we talked. I just have to figure out what I am going to do." I explained to my favorite little brother. In all honesty Nathan was probably one of my best friends. Him and I always got along; Chris on the other hand always picks a fight. "Do whatever you believe is right Shawna. But don't do something that you don't want to do. Promise me at least that." Nathan looked concerned. "I promise Nath." We went back to eating like nothing had happened.
After everyone was done eating; we all cleared the table and made our way to the living room. "Let's watch a flick." Dad spoke up "Shawna it's your turn to choose this time." I walked up to the movie collection and searched for the perfect movie. I finally found the perfect movie after much internal debate. "Sweeney Todd because Tim Burton is a film genius!" I exclaimed. I put it in the DVD player and sat on the floor against the couch. Peyton sat down next to me. Chris and Nathan tried sharing the giant beanbag but it turned into an argument. Nathan ended up in the recliner across the room. Mom and dad were cuddling on the couch sharing a blanket. I truly had the cutest parents. The movie started and I cuddled up with my mustang throw blanket. It was my second favorite blanket. My favorite was still packed up in the back of my closet. I still couldn't look at it yet; thanks to him. I focused on the screen and got lost in the story of the killer barber.
Time flew by and it was the middle of the movie. Suddenly I felt someone reach for my hand. I didn't know what to do so I just acted like I didn't notice. Peyton slowed gripped my hand more, once he was holding my hand and I didn't do anything he seemed to sigh in relief. I pretended like I was too caught up in the movie to notice but all I could think about was why is he doing this? This can't be happening. Peyton was such a good friend and I couldn't lose that over what some crush. I mean what about Booboo; he was the one I was in love with. But Booboo has already hurt me once. Would it be better to give Peyton a chance at least I know he won't hurt me. The movie ended and I stood up to put the movie back in it's case.
Nathan and Chris stood up and said there goodnights heading for bed. Mom stood up and walked to choose another movie for her and dad to watch. We always did this we would all watch a movie then the kids would go to bed and they would watch another one just the two of them.
Peyton stood up and said goodbye to my parents. I walked with him to the front door to be polite. I opened the door and he stepped out but turned around before I could close the door. "Shawna I had a lot of fun this evening. Goodnight." He started leaning towards me and I froze......
Authors note:
Sorry guys. I had to do it. Let me know your thoughts on this chapter. What do you think Shawna should do? Are you team Booboo or Team Peyton??? Vote, comment!!! Love you guys!! And thank you so much for the support!! Y'all have no idea how much it means to me.

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