Why me?!?!

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I was dreading lunch; it was next. All I could do was stare at the clock and hope it would slow down or stop all together. Everything else was just a blur in the background. Then suddenly the teacher decided to call on me. "Shawna do you have the answer?" "Umm uhhh" I look down defeated "no ma'am" "well then you should probably pay attention and stop staring at the clock" she stated.
Right as she finished the Bell rang. I slowly packed up my things and walked out of the classroom. I decided to stop by my locker first to drop of my things and get my stuff for my class after lunch.
I started to make my way into the cafeteria. I immediately looked at my table and only saw Tanya and Peyton. I walked to the lunch line. As I'm waiting in line the twins walk up. "Hey Shawna. How's life?" Asks Ally. "Well as of right now a complete disaster." I quietly respond. "Oh uh anything we can help with?" Alexis asks. I debate for a couple minutes. I mean should I tell them? Peyton is like one of their best friends. Fuck it. "Well you see Peyton hung out at my house last night. We watched a movie with my family and during the movie he started to hold my hand. After the movie I walked him out to be polite and he kissed me..." I explained rapidly. They both just stared at me and then at each other without saying a single word. I started to get worried. I looked down at my tray while the had some kind of twin telepathy. I had unknowingly filled my tray and it was a good thing to cause the line was almost over. Alexis spoke up "well ummm how do you feel about this?" "Idk. Confused. I mean I really don't know if I see him like that. Plus I don't even know if I can feel that way about someone after what happened last summer..." I responded. "Okay. Well whatever you do please do not I repeat do not tell Tanya. At least not until you figure out if you like him or not." Ally looked worried. "Why?" I asked completely confused. I was having a personal disaster and they were bringing up Tanya. "Well you see she has had a crush on Peyton since like the sixth grade. This would devastate her." Ally explained. Great. This was just perfect. We checked out and slowly made our way to the table. "Hey guys. Aren't you glad it's lunch already?" Tanya stated cheerfully. The twins took their seats and sadly the only seat left was next to Peyton. "Hey Shawna" Peyton smiled. I just smiled back and started picking at my pizza. They were all just talking and I wasn't paying attention. What felt like just a few minutes had passed I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up just to be captured by dark brown eyes. I instantly knew whose eyes they were. "Hey Shawna. How's it going? Do you mind if we pull up some chairs?" He quickly asked and didn't even give me a chance to respond before sitting on the other side of me. Now I was stuck between Booboo and Peyton. Nick and another guy were pulling up chairs. "Well are you going to introduce use to your friends?" He smiled. I looked around the table. They had all stopped talking and froze. "Oh umm Booboo this is Alexis, Ally, Tanya and Peyton." I pointed to everyone. "Guys this is Booboo, Nick and....." I hesitated not knowing his name. "I'm Carter." The blonde guy spoke up. Oh so that's the guy Nick was talking about. Everyone tried to squish in to fit at the table that wasn't that big. So both Booboo's and Peyton's elbows were almost touching mine. Peyton kept taking glances at Booboo like he shouldn't be here. Booboo didn't seem to notice; he was to busy making conversation with everyone. "So Shawna how are you liking it here?" Booboo turned to me. It was like it was only the two of us. Nothing else mattered. "I mean it's nothing like Wyoming. But you would know that wouldn't you.." I stated with a hint of attitude. He looked taken by surprise. Hell I was surprised myself. I had no idea where that had come from. He frowned a little. Booboo stood up and lightly grabbed my arm. He drug me out of the cafeteria. We walked up some stairs and he pushed open a door to a empty class room. "Shawna you know if I could take it all back I would. I would take it back over and over again. I refuse to leave ever again unless it is what you want. I will do everything in my power to show you that each and every day." He spoke softly while holding my face so that I couldn't look down at my feet. I didn't know what to say. "You don't have to say a word just give me the opportunity to prove this to you." All I could do was nod my head yes. He smiled and hugged me tightly while softly kissing my head. We stood like this for a few minutes. I never wanted to leave but of course all good thing have to come to an end. All too soon the bell rang and we had to go our separate way to our lockers. He smiled at me and I returned it. But the moment he turned and walked away the smile was replaced with a frown. All I could ask is why me....


Authors note

Well I hope y'all enjoy this chapter.

1. What do y'all think about Booboo's confession?
2. Should Shawna open her heart up to him again?
3. Or should she open her heart to Peyton and risk the wrath of Tanya?

Vote, comment and even share my story with your friends. The more the merrier.

Oh idk when the next chapter will be updated as I am turning 21 in 3 days and have plans with friends and I have work. But I will try to update regularly. Love you all!!

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