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three daughter of the night

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three daughter of the night


CHARLOTTE HAD ALWAYS liked her name. She was made of two parts her parents — Lupin being her dad, which coincidentally meant wolf, and Delphinus, the dolphin constellation, reminded her of her mum, who was also named after the stars in the sky, Ursa being taken from the Latin for the bear constellation. Charlotte, the one part that was hers, apparently meant free woman according to Hermione, and she took pride in this fact whilst laughing at George, whose name literally meant farmer.

    Charlotte would have taken longer to ponder about this if it weren't for the fact she was being frantically ushered out the door of the Leaky Cauldron and into the back of a long, black, polished Ministry car.

    There ensued mayhem as everyone heaved all their trunks into the backs of the cars with Tony, Hedwig and Hermes, Percy's screech owl, perched in their cages beside the shiny wheels. Percy was hissing furiously at Ron who had apparently dropped water on his picture of Penelope Clearwater, causing her nose to go blotchy and her figure to hide behind the frame of the photograph.

    A small wickerwork basket stood beside the heap of trunks, spitting loudly.

    'It's all right, Crookshanks,' Hermione cooed through the wickerwork, 'I'll let you out on the train.'

    'You won't,' snapped Ron. 'What about poor Scabbers, eh?'

    He pointed at his chest, where a large lump indicated that Scabbers was curled up in his pocket.

    'Ron, that thing's twelve years old now; it should be dead anyway,' George said.

    'In we go, everyone,' Arthur encouraged, waving a hand for Harry to get into the car at the front of the queue. 'That's it, in we go.'

    Ron, Hermione and Percy joined Harry and Arthur in one car whilst Charlotte, Fred, George, Ginny and Molly piled into the second. The Ministry cars seemed almost ordinary, though Charlotte noticed that they could slide through gaps that the cars in those Muggle films couldn't have managed.

Lottie ⇢ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now