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nine christmas conundrums

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nine christmas conundrums


'THERE HAS TO be something, Hagrid!'

'I've lost all 'ope, Lottie,' Hagrid wailed, blowing his nose with such a force that it sounded as though he was ripping the handkerchief he was using. 'Yeh've done enough — it's the first day of yeh Christmas holidays, go enjoy yerself.'

'Hagrid, I'm not going anywhere until we work out a way to whip Malfoy's arse into shape,' Charlotte said firmly, jabbing a finger on the table. 'He can't get away with this!'

'Lucius Malfoy's got 'em in his pocket!' Hagrid cried. 'They're scared! They won' do no nice thing fer 'armless creatures!'

'There's bound to be a loophole somewhere —'

'Loop'oles work fer school rules, Lottie, bu' not fer the law!'

Hagrid's sobbing echoed through the small hut, its booming muffled slightly as he buried his head in his arms. Charlotte patted his dark frizzy hair lightly in pity and turned to Fang with a frown. The hound rested his slobbery face on Charlotte's knee, cowering slightly as the majestic Hippogriff sat in front of the fireplace shifted his wings slightly.

'Come on, Hagrid,' said Charlotte softly. 'I'll go find some meat for Buckbeak and gather more snow to melt and we'll try and find something together. I'm sure that there're some animal welfare laws that we could use —'

'There ain't no animal welfare laws from the Ministry o' Magic,' Hagrid wept. 'None!'

    Charlotte gave Hagrid's head one last pat as he maintained his crying, grabbing the wooden bucket from next to the fireplace and heading for the back door which lead into Hagrid's garden. She hovered at the threshold briefly, looking back in pity, before disappearing through the door.

Lottie ⇢ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now