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four bullies, boggarts and belly-laughs

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four bullies, boggarts and belly-laughs


'AND THAT'LL BE all for today, fourth-years,' [y/n] announced to her small class of students. 'Have a good evening, folks.'

'Thank you, Professor Lupin!' Christina Knight called as she left with the other Ravenclaws.

'See you next week!' [y/n] shouted over the bustle of everyone leaving. 'And don't forget your homework — read the chapter, 'See No Evil' in The Philosophy of the Mundane!'

    'Thanks for the chocolate, Professor!'

    'See you next lesson, Ma'am!'

    'Lottie, are you not staying?' [y/n] asked the blonde-haired back of the Gryffindor girl, trying to sneak unnoticed through the exit of the room with the throng of other students.

    Charlotte turned around slowly as if she had been caught robbing Gringotts, lips pulled into a tight smile.

    'I ... am ... busy tonight,' Charlotte replied, licking her lips nervously.

    [y/n] folded her arms. 'Are you now?'

    'Yes,' Charlotte said, straightening her posture and shuffling her rucksack further onto her shoulder. 'I have ... plans ... with the boys.'

    'What plans?' [y/n] pushed, raising an eyebrow.

'I may have got myself a ... detention.'

'With?' [y/n] prompted.

'McGonagall,' Charlotte replied, voice rising higher.

'Merlin, Lottie, you haven't even been here a week,' [y/n] sighed. 'What did you do?'

'It was Fred's fault!' Charlotte exclaimed.

Lottie ⇢ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now