| prologue | "TIMES LIKE THESE"

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prologue times like these


1st September, 1990

'ALL ABOARD THE Hogwarts Express!'

    'Right, off you go, then,' [y/n] Lupin told her daughter on the bustling Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. 'I'll be supervising the Prefects at the front of the train if you need me.'

    'I'll be fine,' Charlotte dismissed with a wave of her hand. 'I've already got the boys to look after me. Plus, Charlie's a seventh-year now. How many first-years can say they're friends with the Head Boy?'

    'Lottie, you're going to be late if you keep rambling,' Remus interrupted softly, adding in a mutter, 'Merlin, you're like your mother.'

    'See you soon, Dad,' Charlotte said quickly, jumping up into Remus' arms to give him a kiss on the cheek and tugging at his greying moustache lightly. 'Don't miss me too much.'

    'Ehh, I'm glad you're going to be gone,' Remus teased, to which Charlotte let out an offended gasp. 'I won't have anyone around to keep stealing my chocolate.'

    'I'll still find a way,' Charlotte winked, slowly sinking back into the throng of people.

    'Lottie, the carriage door is right there.' [y/n] tried to grab her daughter's attention, but she was already too far gone. 'Where're you going?'

    'I'm going to go and find Fred and George!' Charlotte yelled, before running through the crowd.

    'Lottie!' Remus called. Charlotte turned at her name, but continued stumbling backwards, bumping into everyone she passed with little apology. 'Please behave!'

    ''Course I will!' Charlotte shouted back with a laugh. 'When don't I?'

    Remus turned with a knowing smile to [y/n], whose face looked fearful as she let out a sigh.

    'Looks like Prongs was right, all along,' she chuckled. 'I've got my penance.'

'Fred!' Charlotte screamed over the crowd. 'George! Fred and George! FRED AND GEORGE!'

    'Lottie?' a voice shouted back, then two heads of ginger hair popped out of the crowd like meerkats in the desert.

    'Lottie!' Fred exclaimed, running from the queue to the carriage door to his best friend. 'We thought you were never going to make it!'

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