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eight heirloom of the rogue

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eight heirloom of the rogue


'IT'D BE NICE if you could come live with us when we clear your name,' said Charlotte, making her way through a sausage sandwich on the floor of the Shrieking Shack.

'If we clear my name,' Sirius replied stiffly, peeling the crusts off his bread and popping them in his mouth. 'Things aren't looking too good so far.'

    'Well, if you'd let me help —'

    'Junior, no,' Sirius said firmly, wagging a finger in Charlotte's face. 'It's already bad enough that I'm having lunch with you every week when I promised [y/n] not to have contact with anyone in the castle until we had more information. I haven't even seen her since she lobbed me out of her window —'

'But —'

'Lottie, I'm not stupid enough to go against [y/n]-bloody-Lupin, of all people.'

    'Why?' Charlotte groaned, flopping backwards onto the floor and sending puffs of dust in the air around her.

    'All we ever wanted was for you to have a normal life,' Sirius explained solemnly. 'All of you kids ... No war, no hatred —'

    'But I can help!' Charlotte exclaimed. 'You don't even have to tell me the full story, just say what you're looking for here!'

    'I'm not looking for anyone,' Sirius exhaled.

    'Ah-ha!' Charlotte shouted, sitting up suddenly and pointing a finger at her uncle. 'So you're looking for someone!'

    'Shouldn't you be going back to your lessons?' Sirius deflected, brushing the breadcrumbs off his lap.

    'It's Saturday.'

Lottie ⇢ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now