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eleven day of the jesters

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eleven day of the jesters


CHARLOTTE WAS NEVER one to break a promise. For the most part. On occasion. (Not intentionally). But when she promised Lee that she'd stay up late with him every night of the final week of March to plan the twins' birthday, she never really expected there to be a flaw in their scheme.

    It was Kathy Bennet's fault. She just shouldn't have had a face that was so hex-able. Charlotte loved Defence Against the Dark Arts now that her father was her professor, but she also hated it for that exact reason because, apparently, all her classmates fancied him. Besides, she warned Kathy that if she batted her eyelashes at him one more time she wouldn't hesitate to hex her into next week.

    So that was why, at eight o'clock on a Thursday night, Charlotte was sat at the front of her father's classroom, sighing petulantly every five minutes, desperate to leave. 

    'Can I go now?'


    'But Dad —'

    'No, Charlotte.'

    And that was the end of that.

    She was still annoyed at her parents and Sirius — but mainly her parents — and further still, mainly [y/n] — for keeping quiet about the truth for so long; Wormtail — one of the men she had worshipped for so many years — was Peter Pettigrew, and Peter Pettigrew was her family's best friend, and now it turned out he was the true traitor, not her uncle, something which she could have possibly exposed had she had the knowledge. But now it was all too late. There was nothing she could do about it.

Out of protest, Charlotte refused to complete any of the homework her mother and father set which, unfortunately, didn't have the effect on them she hoped to achieve. However, according to Remus, casting the Bat-Bogey Hex (thank you, Ginny, for the lessons) on Slytherins that unashamedly flirted with her dad deserved a week's worth of detention with him.

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