10| "AD ASTRA"

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ten ad astra

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ten ad astra


BETWEEN A PILE of old folded jumpers, [y/n] kept hidden a letter. It was the last of its kind and she was never willing to let it disappear into history. The edges of the parchment had frayed over the fifteen years she had held it, but the emerald ink would forever glitter no matter how dim the light.

    Dear Bear-Star, the letter read.

    I miss you so dearly. I'm sure there are more poetic ways to put it, but I can't quite find the words to describe how terribly I wish you were here.

    I'll always keep you both close — that picture you hate will forever stay on my nightstand, partly out of spite, partly out of adoration and admiration for my big brother and sister.

    Thank you for the photo of little Delphi and I, and thank Remus again for allowing me to come by. It was so nice to meet Charlotte, and I'm still honoured you named her Delphinus. I always worried you had forgotten the little things, like my favourite constellation — now, I guess, that memory will live on through your little one.

    I'm not sure if you'll hear from me again soon, so this is goodbye, for now. You're forever in my heart.

    All my love,

    Your Lion-Star,

    R. A. B.

    Ever since Sirius' escape from Azkaban, [y/n] had been reading Regulus' final written words almost daily. With the return of one of her brothers, she couldn't help but hope that maybe the other would come back to her. There was never any mention of a body in that letter she received fourteen years ago, so perhaps he was still alive, on the run from You-Know-Who's lingering Death Eaters.

Lottie ⇢ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now