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five charlie's angels

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five charlie's angels


'LOTS, DO YOU happen to know anyone who can teach me to play the trumpet?' Fred asked, staring intently at the brassy gold instrument in the window of Maestro's Music Shop. 'I fancy wandering around the dungeons and annoying the Slytherins.'

    'Technically,' Charlotte started as she replaced the score she had just purchased into her rucksack, 'you don't need to know how to play for that.'

    Fred turned at grinned at Charlotte wondrously.

    'You have opened my eyes, Lottie Lupin,' he smiled. 'You're now my favourite person.'

    'And I wasn't before?' Charlotte asked with feigned offence, raising an eyebrow.

    'Tony has been my favourite person for the past three months after he left some droppings on Percy's head.'

    'Tony's an owl.'

    'Well,' Fred winked, 'I guess you've been my favourite person for a while, then.'

    'If you're done flirting with her, Forge, maybe we could get a move on and go to Zonko's,' George interrupted, slapping his brother on the back.

    Fred rolled his eyes and groaned, 'I'm not flirting with her because I don't fancy her.'

    'You say that every time, Freddie, but you never make it convincing,' Charlotte teased, tapping Fred lightly on the nose as she passed him. 'Lee! Where are you?'

    'I'm here, I'm here,' Lee panted, jogging towards the trio, slipping on a patch of ice as he reached them.

    'Woah there, tiger,' George laughed, offering Lee a helping hand off the floor. 'You haven't given yourself a sugar rush by eating all our sweets, have you?'

    'As if I'd have enough to get a sugar rush from,' Lee sulked, brushing himself down. 'I couldn't get half the things we wanted.'

    'Then what took you so long?' Fred interrogated.

Lottie ⇢ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now