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Ten minutes to spare. I made it!

Nerves threaten to break me as I park my car in the employee section in The Knight parking garage. I'm never this much of an emotional mess. Leaving your bra and panties on the floor of a stranger's room and almost being late for the most important day of your life will do this to a girl, I suppose.

I can't be thinking about Jay right now. Not his hotness, not his hands. Certainly, not his huge—

"Stop it, Gracen!" I hiss and pull down the rearview mirror to check my lipstick. I quickly showered back at Callie's, but skipped washing my hair to save time. Humidity from the shower destroyed its beautiful sleekness, making it unruly as usual.

Last night, I'd been an elegant, beautiful woman. Today, I'm back to regular Gracen.

Even if the sweet ache between my legs reminds me just how amazing it was to be someone else for a while.

I take the stairs and exit the garage. I don't have a keycard for the employee entrance yet, so I have to enter through the front of the hotel. A graceful navy awning sparkling with hundreds of little white lights arches over golden carpet on the approach. I know the minutes are ticking by, but I can't help but pause and look up at the stately greystone building just to take it in.

"Miss." The doorman greets me with a polite nod as he opens the glimmering glass doors.

"Good morning," I reply cheerily and step inside the grand lobby.

A thrill rolls through me as I take a moment to savor the gleaming granite floors and teardrop chandeliers dipping from the recessed ceiling. Four marble columns line the room, while antique gold on blue wallpaper gives a stately feel.

I follow a sign welcoming interns to the conference room and rush in with a minute to spare. The doors slam closed. I jump and glance over my shoulder. A rake-thin woman stands behind me in a crisp navy suit, her dark hair pulled back in a severe bun. She turns her nose up at me.

"Thank you for joining us," she snaps and breezes past. "Everyone, sit."

Heat flushes my face and I take a small, calming breath. There are ten other interns at the front of the room, all dressed in smart business attire like me.

I find a seat next to a blonde woman with a friendly smile. She's got curly hair and a cute patterned blouse.

She side-eyes me with a whisper. "She's a charmer, huh?"

"Right? I'm Gracen," I introduce myself.

"Shauna," she smiles. "I just moved here from San Francisco—"

"Let's begin." We're interrupted by a bark from the front of the room. The brisk woman is glaring at us all. "I am Edith Payne, internship director. Let me remind all of you how very fortunate you are to hold such a prestigious spot in The Knight's internship program. Hundreds applied. You were chosen. Don't forget that."

My excitement rises, despite her sneer. I know I was chosen from hundreds. I'm going to work my ass off to do a good job. Nothing is going to screw this up.


Edith grabs a stack of folders from the table behind her and hands them to an intern to pass out.

"In the next three months, you'll rotate through every aspect of this magnificent hotel, from housekeeping, to basic administration and everything in between. You'll find personal schedules inside your folders. Please clip on the included name tags."

My hands are shaking a little as I flip through the folder. There are pamphlets on employee etiquette and legal stuff, and a keycard to the employee entrance. I'm most interested in my assignment rotation.

Sinfully Mine/ A Jordan Knight Fanfic (Mature Contén 18+)Where stories live. Discover now