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**Warning Mature Content Ahead. Over 18 only**

"You are such an unbelievable whore. I love it."

Callie hands me another slice of pepperoni pizza. We're all lounged on the floor in the living room, celebrating my first day with cheap wine and takeout. But instead of bursting with excitement, I may have had a little meltdown and told them everything.


Including the sinful details—at Callie's insistence—about hotel sex with The Target Jordan freaking Knight.

"I can't believe he turned out to be your boss!" Emily looks horrified.

I pour myself another glass and drink. "Me either. God, when he walked into the conference room, I wanted the ground to swallow me up." I turn to Callie. "I'm so, so sorry."

"For what? Getting laid?" She snorts.

"What if it gets back to your boss?" I ask her. Until now, I haven't had time to think about how my impulsive sexscapade might impact her. But I was standing in for her that night, which means not only does my fling make life complicated for me, but for her, too. "And what if Jordan finds out I was the bait, and the whole thing busts open? Your boss will know I slept with a target."

My dread settles in the pit of my stomach. If Jordan finds out, I'm fired for sure. I take another swig of wine and settle it between my knees, gripping the neck like a lifeline.

"Wait a minute, Gracen. Just... back up." Callie turns down the music. Hozier's From Eden is playing in the background. It's my favorite feel-good song. Hell, this bottle of moscato is my favorite wine, yet it's not soothing me, either.

"You were off the clock when you went upstairs with Knight," Callie insists. "The moment the photographer clears you, you're free to do whatever the hell you want."

"Just like that?" I blink.

"It's not exactly a nine-to-five," Callie laughs. "So, no worries about my job security, okay?

I am mad at you, though," she adds. I'm about to beg forgiveness, when I see the mischievous smile.

"I mean, if I wasn't sick, I might be the one barely able to sit down today. Not you."

I laugh.

"Seriously, Gracen," Callie presses eagerly. "Was his cock really that—?"

"You do have a problem though," Emily interrupts, concern furrowing her brow. "What will happen when Mr. Knight finds out you set him up?"

When, not if. Which reminds me. "What is he being investigated for?" I ask Callie.

Callie shrugs. "I never know. It would be really hard to face targets with full-on knowledge of whatever shit they've pulled, you know?"

She has a point. I don't need to know the inner workings of my boss' personal life. In fact, the less I know about him, the better. I'm tangled up enough with him as it is. There needs to be a clear separation between my job as an intern, and my sordid history with Jordan.

"I have the worst luck," I sigh miserably. "I let my inner bad girl out one time. One time!"

Emily grins. "Tell that wench to keep her pants on from now on."

"Never mind pants, I need one of those old-fashioned chastity belts," I say. "Locked up tight. Nothing's getting between these legs from now on, at least, not until I'm manager of some fancy hotel."

"Are you crazy?" Callie exclaims. "You're acting like it's the end of the world. You had incredible sex with a hot, rich, dirty man. We're not talking love and commitment here. We're talking the God of All Orgasms. So, why not go again?"

Sinfully Mine/ A Jordan Knight Fanfic (Mature Contén 18+)Where stories live. Discover now