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**Warning Mature Content Ahead. Over 18 only**


Jordan Knight is so close.

My boss is on the other side of this penthouse door. My sexy, dangerous boss. And I can have him – I can have every one of his tempting promises. All I have to do is swipe the keycard and step inside.

No more games.

I want you, Gracen.

I shiver remembering the lust in his voice when he delivered his final ultimatum.

I picture him inside, his shirt unbuttoned over that muscular body, tie loose around his neck. Stepping over this threshold is the biggest risk I've ever taken. My whole future is on the line. He could ruin all my plans, or make them come true in ways I never imagined.

I take a deep breath. Close my eyes. And swipe the card. I push the door wide and go in before I can change my mind.

I've never been up here before: this is the Knight  suite, for VIPs only. Now, I drink in every detail. The softly lit foyer spills into a wide, airy living room with an entire wall of floor-to-ceiling windows. I take in the luxurious leather furniture and marble fireplace, but then I catch movement out of the corner of my eye, and everything falls away. It's him. Jordan.

Walking toward me, a champagne flute in each firm hand. My pulse kicks.

Damn, he's hot in his white dress shirt and tie, looking at me like he wants to devour me just like my sexy premonition. But even my imagination couldn't capture how good he looks. Powerful. Devastating. Smug.

"I'm glad you came."

His smile is satisfied, like he just won a bet. But I guess he did, because I'm here, despite everything that's happened.


I nod, suddenly nervous. His dark eyes rake over me as he hands me a glass. I tip it up and take a quick gulp, and warmth spreads through me: from the champagne, and the heat in his appraisal.

"You took your time."

Jordan's eyes darken just a little.

I feel a surge of victory. Maybe he wasn't so sure I'd make it.

I decide to tease him, just a little.

I shrug, taking another sip.

"I didn't realize we were on the clock."

Jordan surveys me.

"The limo was to your liking?"

"It was fine."

"And the suite?" he gestures around.

I give another shrug, like it isn't the most luxurious room I've ever been in.

"It'll do."

His lips quirk in a smile.

"I thought you'd like it."

I give a flirty smile.

"Have this all planned out, don't you?"


"You knew I would come."

This man doesn't hesitate, not for a second.


His confidence would be infuriating if it wasn't so damn sexy.

I take a breath, trying to steady myself. Already, my nerves are thrumming in anticipation for his touch.

Sinfully Mine/ A Jordan Knight Fanfic (Mature Contén 18+)Where stories live. Discover now