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I arrive at work the next day to find a cop stationed by the front desk – and another two policewomen stationed in the locked room.

"What's going on?" I whisper to the other interns. They shrug.

"Beats me. We have to go straight upstairs for a meeting," one of the guys answers.

I stash my purse and follow the group upstairs. Everyone looks super-serious, and even the atmosphere feels different. It's weighty and thick and lacking the comfortable vibe that's always pumping through this place. Did someone die?

My mind races with all sorts of CSI scenarios about someone being pushed from their hotel room window when I enter the conference room.

A security guy checks my name off a list. "Take a seat, miss."

The room is full. So full, I wonder if anyone is actually working right now. Employees are being called up by rows to the front of the room, and are being led one-by-one behind the room divider.

I find a seat with the other interns. One of the other girls rushes in and joins us. "I just heard what all this is about. It's Shauna!"

"What about her?" I demand, panicked. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine – if you call hanging out in a police cell fine," the girl smirks. "She got busted hacking into confidential customer data," she rattles on, too excited about the scandal to keep her voice down. "She was working undercover for the Prescott group!"

"What?" I gasp in shock.

"She was a corporate spy, all along. Everyone's on lock down, they have no idea how much data she took."

The guy beside me groans. "I knew I should have taken the job there. This place is going down."

All around me, employees and interns burst into fevered whispers about the future of the company, but my mind races. I saw Shauna in Jordan's office! No wonder she looked so nervous, she was probably hacking into his computer to take lord-knows-what!

Damn. I should have mentioned seeing her, gone with my gut feeling that it was odd, but I pushed it aside, too distracted by whatever was going on with Jordan. I panic. Maybe they don't even know that she was snooping around in his office. Who knows what confidential material she may have found?

He needs to know. Now.

I stand and hurry to the door. The doorman blocks me. "No one is supposed to leave, miss."

I make a light grimace. "I really need to use the restroom. I'll be quick."

He looks at me a second before letting me pass. I head to the elevator and go up. If the security downstairs was a shock, up here, it's like Fort Knox. I pass half a dozen serious-looking men in suits, and every computer is getting the once over by tech.

Jordan is in a huddle with some other employees, and he makes me wait before wordlessly leading me to his office.

"What?" he demands. "In case you haven't noticed, we're in the middle of a situation."

"It's about that." My heart is in my throat. "I need to tell you something."

Jordan's expression hardens. His eyes pierce me, cold. "The night I met you, you lied about your identity."

I stop. Does he know? About the honeytrap? I resist the urge to fidget. I have to face this head on.

"I—yes, I did."


I don't know where he's going with this, or how much he knows, so I force myself not to confess everything. Why make it worse?

Sinfully Mine/ A Jordan Knight Fanfic (Mature Contén 18+)Where stories live. Discover now