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**Warning Mature Content Ahead**


I'm wearing two pairs of rubber gloves that reach my elbows.

And I'm still freaking out about putting my hand in this toilet.

People. Are. Disgusting.

It's been three days since I started my housekeeping rotation and I've lost all faith in humanity.

I mean, seriously.

Fishing used condoms out of potted plants... Cleaning congealed food off the carpet... Scraping I don't even want to know what off the walls... This isn't how I expected my internship to go.

Housekeeping is part of the program; I know that and I accept it. Learning every aspect of the hotel business is important to me and critical for my future in this industry. Yet knowing the debauchery people are capable of when they are behind closed doors gives me an entirely new respect for the housekeeping staff.

I'd never have imagined that pubic hair turning up in odd places would be the least disgusting thing I would come across. I've been here since six AM, scrubbing, straightening, and vacuuming, and I can't wait to just go home.

Edith has made her point loud and clear. I know she is punishing me for what she thinks I've done with Mr. Knight; it doesn't matter that I slept with him before I started my internship. She thinks something happened in his office the other day, and this is her way of reminding me that I'm not here to flirt with the boss. I'm here to scrub shit out of the curtains.

Point. Taken.

In a way, this housekeeping assignment is a blessing since it's allowed me to pretty much hide from Jordan. I don't expect that he's been looking for me, not after I snubbed him. He got the point, and I shouldn't feel disappointed that he probably doesn't want me anymore.

But I do.

Which is a warning sign, right there. So the longer I can keep this rolling cleaning cart between him and me, the better.

A few more days of scouting rooms for used panties hidden in shadowy places? I can handle it if means resetting this thing between Jordan and I to normal.

I finish the last room of my shift and go to wash up. By the time I reach the locker room, my feet are on fire and I realize I smell like disinfectant. I hope Callie remembers to pick up more wine because I seriously need it. At this rate, my internship is going to send me straight to rehab.

Sitting on a bench near the lockers, I kick off my clunky white work shoes and rub my toes.

"Hey, there you are!" Shauna sits on the end of the bench and slides over to me. Her cheeks are pink, eyes sparkling. She's wearing the look of someone ready to go off about the wonders of the universe. I'm surprised to see her here so late. I knew my day would be longer, but I figured she and the other interns would be long gone.

"You didn't join us for lunch." She puts her hands between her knees like she just can't sit still.

"I ate upstairs. I had too much work to do."

"I still can't believe Edith moved you to housekeeping this week. It makes no sense."

It does to me, but no one else needs to know. I smile and slip into my flats. "It's only two weeks. And it's going fast already."

"You're missing so much at the desk. Do you know who checked in today? The Ambassador to France! I stayed so Beth could show me the security procedures for handling high-profile clientele."

Sinfully Mine/ A Jordan Knight Fanfic (Mature Contén 18+)Where stories live. Discover now