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**Mature Content Ahead** **Please don't read it if you're under 18**

You can be anyone in a hotel.

The moment you walk inside, you can choose to be yourself, or, if you're daring, play out a fantasy you've kept tucked away. Whenever I'm inside The Drake or an equally luxe location, I get a haughty rise inside that says, yes, I belong to this wealth, this luxury, even when I clearly don't. The inner fantasy that I'm born to this lavish lifestyle takes hold of me. For that burning moment, I'm not Gracen Evans. I'm someone important; glamorous.

Now, as I step back through the gleaming doors, I'm transported into a new kind of fantasy, something sexier than I've ever dreamed. Jay holds my hand, leading me across the lobby. My mind begins to race with a hundred questions and doubts and possible outcomes of this evening.

I have to slash them down with a mental machete, because if I don't, I'll be overwhelmed and call this off before the adventure even begins.

It's just one drink, I tell myself. That's what he's offered, and that's all I have to accept. Alcohol may be a nice gift wrap for sex, but I'm only taking Jay at face value, so a drink is, indeed... a drink. I haven't promised anything else, and he hasn't asked.

Yeah right. He hadn't asked for those kisses, either.

I notice people glancing our way as we walk. Jay nods toward the right. "This way." He begins to lead me out of the lobby to a private hallway where the elevators are located. I notice the wide staircase just before the hall. The elegant royal blue carpeting and golden rails make me pause.

"Princess Diana walked those stairs, you know," I comment. Royalty and celebrity have wandered the space of this building, another aspect of the history of spaces that's always intrigued me.

"I know." Jay smiles. "We'll take them up if you like, catch the next elevator."

With his hand on my back, we move to the staircase, and as I grasp the brass rail in my hand, I feel like royalty myself. Sure, it's silly, but I'm all dressed up in a beautiful dress, with a gorgeous man on my arm.

"Hey, man—" Someone calls out in Jay's direction, but he doesn't stop. Instead, his pace increases and I have the sudden thought that there is more to Jay than I can gather on the surface. Obviously, he's wealthy and poised, but who is he really?

Whoever he wants to be. I remember my own stories, and smile. We're both playing the same game here. Becoming someone else, just for the night.

There is no wait at the elevators, and we step in, alone. As the carriage makes a soft jolt upwards, so does my pulse. I turn toward him, and look him over slowly, thoroughly.

Jay seems amused. "Like what you see?" He is standing with his back to the wall, his hands in his pockets, but he gives me a sideways glance and his mouth softens.

I'm still playing a part here, but not for any assignment. This is all for me.

"Yes," I admit. "Very much."

He steps toward me and trails a finger along the V neck of my dress. I startle at the sudden contact, but easily relax into to the path of heat he's making with his touch. Caressing the swell of my breast, his fingers skim lightly over the silky fabric, his eyes locked on mine. I concentrate on my breathing as he makes lazy work of tracing up and over the other breast, to my collarbone... the side of my neck. A light humming starts in my head as anticipation coils inside me.

God, this man is sexy.

Controlled in a way I've never had the pleasure of experiencing. Any other guy would be groping me by now, sloppy and rough, but Andrew stays a step back, watching my reaction to his touch.

Sinfully Mine/ A Jordan Knight Fanfic (Mature Contén 18+)Where stories live. Discover now