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I find a note taped to my locker the next morning that says I'm assigned back to reception today. My phone beeps as I get ready for work.

It's Jordan.

Yesterday, I finished my shift and went home, cracked a jar of buffalo chicken dip and dug out a bottle of cheap wine. Then my bag of chips, wine and I hid out in my bedroom to watch The Princess Bride and forget the entire day ever happened. Until my phone started blowing up.

I'd like to speak with you.

I erased the message and added the number under 'Asshat' in my contacts. Asshat called twice again last night, but I refused to answer, or even listen to his message. I wasn't going to text or call him back because my mind was made up: I'd been stupid enough. My hormones are not going to ruin my future.

I've never known lust like this. But I've also never had an opportunity like The Knight is giving me. I have to choose, and I choose myself.

Now, I turn off my phone and toss it into my locker. I feel a pain in my chest, but I tell myself that's just the after-effects of too much hot sauce.

Jordan means nothing to me anymore.

"Hey." Shauna is already on the front desk when I arrive.

"Hi," I mumble back. She doesn't say anything about finding me in Jordan's office yesterday, and I'm glad. I'd rather pretend the whole day never happened. I get to work checking in a new guest, and for the next few hours, I stay focused on my job.

Bad enough I already have a reputation. I want to be remembered for more than just being Jordan's latest plaything.

By the time noon rolls around, I'm in my element: dealing with guests, answering calls, even directing a family on a great walking tour of the city. This is what energizes me: challenge, interaction, responsibility. I love it, and I don't want to lose it.

"Ready for your break?" Shauna asks, after I equip the family with an armful of pamphlets and maps.

"Please," I smile, "My feet are killing me."

Then I see one of the secretaries from Jordan's office approaching. "Gracen Evans?" she asks.

"Yes," I brace myself.

She sweeps me with a quick glance and I realize, this must be one of the women who was gossiping about me. "Mr. Knight would like to speak with you in his office. About the notes you took yesterday during the meeting."

The notes? I'd completely forgotten about them. I stashed them in my locker last night.

I feel a tremor of nerves. I can't face him, not now that I know the truth. "Please tell Mr. Knight that I'm unavailable right now."

The secretary looks surprised. "But... he said for you to come. Now."

"And you can tell him you delivered his message," I say brightly. "Thanks." I pretend to get back to work, feeling her eyes on me, until at last I hear her walk away.

"I can't believe you just did that." Shauna looks shocked. "He's the boss!"

"It's fine," I lie. "Go to lunch, Lace."

She doesn't move. "He's a powerful man. Who knows what can happen if you cross him?" She almost sounds... scared. I look at her, trying to read what's going on in her head.

"You make him sound like a Mafioso," I joke. "What's the worst he can do?"

"Fire you!"

Oh yeah, that. I swallow. "If he wants to speak to me, he can come down here and ask me."

Sinfully Mine/ A Jordan Knight Fanfic (Mature Contén 18+)Where stories live. Discover now