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"Gracen, get up!"

Something whaps me on the head, once, twice.

I bolt upright to find Callie sitting beside me, a newspaper rolled in her hand.

"What am I, a bad dog?"

"Yes," she quips and flattens the paper. Thrusts it at me.

"It's Sunday," I groan. "I just want to sleep. Go away."

I'm still reeling over what happened at the penthouse Friday night.

"Oh, Jesus, put your big girl panties on. Some random dude watched you get kinky, and Jordan humiliated you. I get it."

"Seriously?" I cross my arms. "Have you ever had a stranger walk in on you when you're tied to a bed?"

"Honey, that's a typical Friday night for me."

I laugh, but my heart's not in it.

The naïve part of me thinks he still might actually call or text, something, to apologize. He hasn't yet, and I'm not sure why I'm hurting over it. Like Jordan ever apologized for anything. I should know better by now.

After I got home, Callie and Em kept me up until two AM to rehash every detail and speculate why Jordan turned so cold. We formed no satisfying conclusions, but polished off a couple of bottles of wine in the process.

My head is not relishing the consequences. At the moment, I just need to sleep. I try to pull the covers up and hide but Callie yanks them back.

"Nuh-uh. Read it."

She drops the paper on my lap. It's a copy of the weekend papers, also known as 'Rich People's Wedding Announcement Day.' I groan.

"I don't care if some trust fund private school teacher married a proctologist on the beach."

Callie flips the paper over and points.

KNIGHT HEIR RETURNS FROM EUROPE READY TO TAKE THE REINS Jonathan Rashleigh Knight  has returned to his suite at The Knight  Chicago, after a lengthy sabbatical in Europe.

The dashing Knight  heir has been well followed on the Euro touring car circuit, making a name for himself as a top racing contender. And let's not forget his drool-worthy modeling debut for designer Tom Ford in Morocco last year.

With the very public division of company shares after the deaths of Jon's parents, which left him with zero control of the company but a massive inheritance, we can only speculate his return coincides with the recent Knight  drama involving hush-hush theft by an intern. (No worries, loves, we're still hot on the trail to find out exactly what went down and all the yummy details.)

Is Jon back to challenge his brother and CEO of Knight , Inc., Jordan, for control? It's no secret The Knight  has been on a downward spiral in recent years, due in part to the rise of more modern-suave luxury hotels, like the Prescott Group.

Is this recent drama yet another sign that Jordan Knight  has exhausted his ability to lead the historic hotel as a contender against younger, hipper challengers? Blaine Prescott certainly thinks so.

"The Knight  has been an old, dying horse for years. It's sad, really, watching it expire so painfully. It's easy to blame outside forces, like the appeal of better hotels drawing customers away. That may be true, but really, bad management is likely the bigger culprit."


Perhaps Jonathan fresh, adventurous style is just what The Knight  needs to turn things around. Which bring us to the big question: Does the Windy City, and The Knight , have room for two Knight  brothers? Stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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