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A text message wakes me the next morning. It's from a number I don't recognize.

Good morning. Your keys are in your mail slot.

I read it five times before the words click with last night's events. Rushing to my front door, I find my car parked at the curb in front of the building, shiny clean, with four new tires. It's cleaner than it's been since it was right off the assembly line, probably.

My keys are in the mail slot, along with a small card from Haye's Repair shop that holds a hand written note. Tires and maintenance curtesy of Knight, Inc.

Jesus H. Christ. The man gave me an orgasm and new tires. I can accept one— can't give back an orgasm, after all—but how do I, in good conscience, accept the other?

Thinking about it, I realize I don't have a choice, not unless I want to rip them off the car myself. And I've already proven, I'm pretty much useless when it comes to changing a tire.

But this doesn't mean I don't owe him.

I get ready for work, but the question, "what's next," plagues me. I thought I'd have things figured out by now, but I'm not on any more solid ground now than I was three days ago.

But despite my uncertainty, I can't avoid the truth: I have no regrets. Every encounter with Jordan has been mind-blowingly pleasurable, and I can't ever regret coming like that. He was correct when he said that I'd never had a lover like him. He's ruined me to common sense, apparently, because all I can think about is another taste.

The interns are whispering when I enter the locker room.

"Did you hear?" Shauna saunters over to me with a coffee cup in her hand. It smells amazing. She offers it, and I take it gratefully.

"I love that you've become my coffee bitch." I take a sip. "Hear what?"

"Edith's been fired!"

I pause. "What? When?"

Shauna slips into her blazer and buttons it, fluffing her long blonde hair around her shoulders. "Late last night. We're all meeting at the desk for a quick briefing."

My mind slips to the conversation Jordan and I had in his car yesterday. Did he figure that Edith was punishing me, too? The thought that he may have fired her over me makes a lump lodge in my throat.

Does that mean he cares?

My mind is still whirling as Shauna and I go to the lobby. It's quiet this morning, the grand entrance peaceful with its stately beauty washed in new sunlight.

Our manager, Beth, ushers us into a staff room. "These are your new rotations," she says and passes out a sheet of paper with our revised schedule on it.

Shauna frowns. "Why the change? I thought we had two weeks left."

Beth shrugs. "It came from higher up."

I check my schedule. It's blank.

I panic.

"What do you think this means?" I whisper, showing Shauna. "Are they letting me go?"

She looks confused. "I don't know, maybe it's a mix-up? You should ask Beth when we're done."

I sit, my fear growing as I listen to the weekly run-down of reminders and tasks. Then we're dismissed, but I don't move from my seat.

What if he's actually firing me? But wouldn't he have done that earlier? Or had security march me out the door first thing?

"Good morning."

Sinfully Mine/ A Jordan Knight Fanfic (Mature Contén 18+)Where stories live. Discover now