Chapter 13

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I shook in fear. Oh great. I better just head to the slammer now. I didn't look him in the eye. I just sat silently on the chair Minho had set me on.

"Why didn't you tell me about the compass?" He asked. I kept my head still.

"ANSWER ME NOW!!!" He screamed in my ear. I flinched and fell off the chair.

"When you are ready to talk, come find me," he said sternly. I nodded my head.

"Susan, you will be working with Newt today."

I stood up from my wobbly chair and walked out the door. I walked over to newt who seemed to be waiting for me.

"Looks like you are working with me today, Greenie,"

"Lovely," I huffed under my breath. Just great.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing," I said. Why him? I had not found one job I had liked. I had tried slopper(eww), slicer (once again, eww), builder, med-jack and now gardener. I didn't like any of them. I wanted to either be a runner or a protector. If I as a protector, I could use my bow more often. That would be so cool!!! If I was a runner, I could go out into the maze and see all those things that Minho and Thomas have told me about.

"Pick up a shovel and let's get started." He said. Great. I reached down and picked up the smallest shovel there was. It was slightly dented at the top but I didn't care.

"Now I want you to come help me weed the garden. Follow me," he said while turning on his heel ad walking of to the spot we were weeding.

I shrugged my shoulders before jogging behind him.


I was so bored. Minho came and dragged me away after he got back from the maze. I gladly followed him into Frypan's after I had finished weeding. Frypan's was busy cooking the rest of the Gladers food. Minho handed me a plate of ham and potatoes before grabbing his own. I smiled before plopping down beside Thomas.

"You guys find anything interesting today?" I asked.

He hesitated before looking at Minho. Minho nodded his head and Thomas nodded after.

"Yeah... And it is yours."

"What do you mean it is mine?" I asked. How could t be mine.

"It has your name engraved in it," Minho said. He opened his leather pouch and tossed me a... Crown? It looked like vines that been tied together and coated in solid gold! It was beautiful. I gasped in awe and picked it up. I flipped it between my hands.

"Hey Susan what you got there?" Said a familiar voice. Oh great. Gally. I stood up from the table and walked right by him. My eyes never made contact with his. The door slammed shut behind me and was re-opened soon after it slammed. I sped up into a quick jog whiz soon turned into a sprint. He was running after me. I ran to the willow tree and climbed up the bark. I was out of sight. I could see him standing at the base of the tree. He looked around before his eyes froze. They were fixed on me.

He scrambled up the bark and was soon only feet from where I sat. Before I could jump, I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Where do you think your going?" He asked in a creepy dark voice.

Oh snap!


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