Chapter 9

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I looked straight down the hall I was in and saw Grievers... Dozens of them. They were all just standing there... Watching me. I took one step towards a vine draping down the stone wall and grasped it tightly. Every time I pulled myself up on the vine, I took a peek at the Grievers. They stood in the same spot.

I pulled myself over the top of the wall and began to run. I stopped when I got to the wall that overlooked the glade. I slumped down and let my legs hang over the edge. My eyes bounced all over the glade until they rested on Gally. He was sitting at the doors of the maze with his head in his hands. Newt was standing, facing the door with Peter, Edmund and Lucy. Edmund had his hands resting on the door and his forehead was in between them. His face was red with anger. I could tell he wanted to punch someone.

I watched the sun as it started to set. My eyes began to droop and before I knew it, I was falling asleep. I took one last look at Gally before moving away from the edge and hugging my knees to my chest. I fell asleep in that position in hope I would stay in that position all night.


I was on top of the wall for 2 more days before I finally came down. I was the first person to survive a night in the maze. I had survived 2. I climbed down and began to look for food. Every time I turned around a corner, there would be a Griever in my path. Every time I saw a Griever, I would kill it. I made a spear by taking a sharp rock and a staff like stick that I found, and tying it together with some vines. In total, I killed 13. That kept me satisfied for a while.

On the forth night I was there, I went out hunting. I had run out of food. The first corner I turned, I approached a Griever. The encounter with it, made that the first battle I lost. There was a searing pain in my stomach as the Griever claw sunk into my skin. I fell to the ground. The pain was not unbearable so I was able to get away in time.

On the fifth day I was out there, I woke up just as the doors opened. I silently crawled down the wall and snuck into the glade. I needed some more weapons and supplies. The first thing I did was run to DeadHeads. There had to be some supplies there.

I found 3 teeth from wolves that the Gladers had killed, 4 staffs and some rope. That would come in handy. I was only 2 metres away from the tree line when the Greenie alarm went off. I was sure to be caught now. I waited till everyone was surrounding the box before I bolted for the Maze. I crawled up the vine once more and yanked myself over the top of the wall.

Greenie POV (different POV... YEAH!!!! :))

I woke up to being jolted around. I was in a large metal crate that was going straight up. I gripped the bottom of the box in hope I did not feel nauseous. I ended up having the contents of my stomach on the bottom of the crate. Where was I? Where was I going and why could I not remember anything? The only thing I could remember was my name.


I was blinded by a light that came from an opening in the to of the cage. My arm instantly shot up and covered my face.

'Is it another girl?'
'Who is it?'
'What do they look like?'

All of those questions were asked by by the swarm of people surrounding me.

A tall, dark skinned, black haired man jumped down beside me.

"Rise and Shine Greenie! Welcome to the Glade,"

Before I knew it, I was yanked out of the box and thrown onto the ground. I backed away slowly from the group that formed around me. I looked up at the same person who pulled me out of the box as he bent over me.

"Names Alby," he said.

"Jordan," I said.

"Well normally I wait to give the to the greenies, but I might as well do it now." He said, pulling me to my feet. I looked around at the 4 walls that we were surrounded by.

"Here in the Glade, we have 3 rules . Rule Number 1, do your part. Rule 2, never hurt ANYONE. Rule 3, and most important of all, Never Ever Leave the maze. Got it?"

My eyes stopped and focused on the top of one of the walls. There was something standing there.

"Who is that? Why are they in the Maze?" I asked, my eyes still focused on the figure.

"Who are yo-..." He stopped

"Who is that?" I asked. I stretched my arm out and pointed one of my meaty fingers at them.

Back to Susan

I watched as the Newbie pointed at me. I froze almost instantly. I had been caught. I sprinted along the top off the wall and heard them yell different things. Alby's auctioneer voice bounced off the walls so it stood out the most.


I watched as those 4 sprinted into towards the Maze. I had to get away from them. I climbed down the rope and started to run down the hall. I had not seen anyone yet so that was a good sign. I ran as far away from the doors as possible. I heard 4 sets of footsteps thundering behind me. I heard more shouts going from glader to glader.

"Who is it?!"

"Try and cut them off!"

"There is a dead end up here!"

I had to keep running.

Gally POV

I raced down the hall. I had to cut them off. I could here Thomas, Minho and Newt were right behind me. Minho quickly caught up and linter ahead. The runner had turned towards the dead end. At the very end of that hall, there was a cliff. There was no way to get around it. I quickly turned around the corner and saw that they had stopped at the cliff. Man, they were Fast!!! As I got closer I saw who it was. Their long dark hair gave it away almost instantly. It was Susan. She was Alive?

She slowly turned around and looked me in the eye. They were blood shot and she was breathing heavily. Her veins were green and popping out of her skin. She had been stung. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down to the ground. She struggled to become free of my grasp but I was to strong for her.

"Let's get her back to the glade." Thomas said. We all nodded and lifted her off the ground. She wiggles around a lot. It was hard to keep her still.

We made it back to the glade just before the doors closed. I laid her down on the ground and pinned her arms above her head. Alby ran over to us and probably thought the same thing I did.

"Lift up her shirt." He said. I hesitated but lifted it up. I was right. She had been stung.

She groaned in pain and agony as she lay there. I felt so sorry for her. I saw tears fill up her eyes.

"Bring her to the Homestead.
Quickly!" Alby yelled.

We lifted her up once more and rushed her to the homestead. Jeff and Clint shooed us out and took Susan with them.

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