Chapter 17

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Susan POV

"What?" I asked with eyes opened wide.

"Chuck and I are DATING," she repeated. My mouth gaped wide open and eyed became the size of 4 of Frypan's bacon strips side by side.

"What?" She asked." Is there something wrong with that?"

Before I could reply, she stormed out of the room and out of the homestead.

Lucy POV

My feet thundered across the glade as tears streamed down my cheeks. I reached the Maze doors and spy around on my heel. No one was following me. I spun back around and bolted into the maze. RIGHT, LEFT,RIGHT,RIGHT,LEFT was the pattern I repeated. My body collided with a large, circular shape made of metal.

"LUCY!!!" I heard someone scream behind me.

"What's that," the voice said again. I knew it was Susan. He arms clung on to my shoulder like glue as she looked at the piece. The scribbled writting was small but legible.

"Queen Susan the Gentle, Save Them! Signed Tumnus,"

Susan POV

My feet carried me faster then I had ever gone before. Lucy ran back to the Glade but I had to find a way out. I skidded to a stop at the edge of the cliff. A small green light flashed at the bottom. Could that be the exit.

Beads of sweat ran down my face as I stopped at the Homesteasd. No one knew I had gone into the maze and I didn't intend for anyone to find out. My feet dragged me into the homestead and I grabbed Minho by the back of the neck.

"What's wrong? Did Gally hurt you?" He asked as soon as we got to Deadheads forest.

"No... I think I found the exit..."


"I was chasing Lucy and then I saw this... Green light below the cliff. I think that is the exit," I explained. He just looked at me with his mouth gaping open.

"Please don't be mad..." I said sweetly.

"Oh, why would I be mad that my GIRLFRIEND LEFT THE GLADE!!?"

"One, I had to becuase I had to find Lucy. Second, I AM NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!!" I screamed. He stood there in shock as I let those words fly out of my mouth. Then I roze. I hated yelling at him. Tears poored out of my eyes and I spun around. 

"I am so sorry..." I whispered before bolting off in the other direction. My bedroom dorr slammed close as i threw it opne and quickly shut it. The sound bounced off the wall and made it sound like thunder. I ripped open my guitar case and gasped at what I saw. MY eyes widened so much that I thought my eyes were gonna fall out. WHAT ON EARTH WAS IT? ? ?

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