Back Off...Or Else

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Chloe's P.O.V
"Just get this done, will you" Perrie instructed, handing me a paper of an unfinished song. We were supposed to be writing songs for the girls today, and Perrie needed a song out of me by today. I silently nodded, deep down I had a hatred for being told what to do, especially since I was a kid and I was so used to being told what to do by strict authoritative figures who didn't take no for an answer.

"Y' know, Leigh-Anne has a right to say the things she's said about you, you kinda make this partnership really hard a part of" She commented. "Then leave, no one wants you guys gone more than I do!" I snapped. I don't even know where that came from! It wasn't exactly how I wanted to shut down the conversation but sometimes, my mouth speaks before my mind can reason with it.

Perrie looked taken back by my words. "Even Jade is right when she says you need to learn some manners".

"It wouldn't hurt for Leigh-Anne to learn a few either." I fired back.

"Sheesh, you've got issues girl!" Perrie said, walking away.

Why couldn't I just work in peace without someone coming to me and saying something about me? Was it too much to ask for some peace and quiet?

Later That Day
I was packing up to go home after a grueling day of having to hear people's unpopular opinions about me. I glanced at Jesy, Perrie, and Leigh-Anne, they were sitting around their desk in a circle and laughing about something...probably something stupid. As I walked past them, Leigh-Anne called out to me. "Where are you going, Chloe? Leaving your boyfriends so soon?" She teased. "They're not my boyfriends" I muttered. "Aww, what's wrong? Did one of them break up with you?" she laughed.

Perrie and Jesy glanced at each other, confused as to whether or not they should laugh.

Leigh-Anne then whispered to the girls, excluding me from the conversation. "What more could you expect from an attention-seeking pathetic child pop star" she snickered. And that was the last straw. I turned around and knocked her chair over with a slight kick. She fell back onto the ground and glared at me. "What the hell is your problem psycho!?" She yelled at me. The other two clamped their mouths shut to avoid the same fat...or just to stop their laughter.

"Oh please, that's child's play compared to what I normally do to hurt people" I rolled my eyes. She got up and got in my face. "You think you're special just because you signed with a big management company, but you'll see just how bad a celebrity's life can be. Especially when you're signed with Simon Cowell" She stated.

"But why would I expect you to care? Seeing as you've got neither a brain nor a heart" she scoffed. I picked up a microphone nearby (since it was the only weapon around that looked like it'd make a dent to anything) and flung it at her. It hit her head and her upper body fell flat to the ground.

"Chill out Chloe, it was just a joke!" Leigh-Anne defended, rubbing her forehead to sooth the bruise now forming. "Unlike you, I don't see a humor-filled insult as a joke! I'll show you what I find funny" I said, balling up my fists.

Before I could make a move to full-on fight her, Jade stepped in the way. "Back off, Chloe," she said firmly. No, this time I wasn't gonna just let it go or stand down. I stood face-to-face with Jade, both our eyes reflected each other's faces. She wasn't backing down and neither was I.

"Or what, Thirlwall?"

"Or I'll make sure your bandmates get the same fate as you'd like Leigh-Anne to have"

My glare faded and I turned to slightly face the boys. Their expressions almost made me feel apologetic. I turned back around to face Jade and stepped aside, still, irritated that I'd accepted defeat. "Girls, help her up." Jade instructed Jesy and Perrie as she lead the way out of the studio.

I don't wanna admit it to anyone, and I couldn't get rid of the feeling. The feeling just hung around in my heart, not willing to leave until I accepted it. The feeling of...intimidation. I'd never seen nor thought of Jade as strict or intimidating, given her flirtatious and silly behaviour towards me. This feeling was new, and I guess it was here to stay.

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