Chapter 23: Embolden

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"Faling for that fools gold" It was times like this that music was my only way to stay calm. Azul and I had talked but she knew that I wasnt the type of person that wanted to be babied.

Dylan wasnt one to apologize either, so it left us with nothing to say to each other. I had starting working the job with Heaven about a week ago, so me and Dylan had went without talking for a couple days now. He would give me that look like he wanted to say something but I would just turn around and walk away.

It was childish to behave this way... especially all we been through.


"come in!" I yelled, as I closed my book laying on my lap.

It wasnt Dylan, but it was his mom. All of his family had been over to help him get ready. In a few weeks he'd be leaving for his college. We all would.

"hello there sweetie" she was so sweet...if only her son had gotten those genes.

"Hey, how's the packing going"  I asked guinely concerned

"Good...Dylan is so closed off. He barely spoke to me when I arrived. Is there something going on between you too?"

I wasn't sure what Dylan had told his mom but, My feelings had been baled up for days I had to let it all out.

"No...well not for the past few days" I said truthfully

"Do you think you guys will be okay. He's just so stressed out with his father making him move to Whasington" she said

"I didn't know he was going to Washington..." How could he not tell me this. We already are in a fight and now he's going to move miles away?

"We think its good for him, I honestly just want to see Dylan happy. College isn't a choice he can make on his own" his mother said. She thought this was a good idea?

I just shook my head, I just felt like everything was going wrong

"Well sweetie I should get back to packing, maybe I should cook something for everyone while I'm here" she said with her sweet smile. Even though she was apart of Dylan Leaving I was happy she was here. And I knew where she was coming from as a parent.

"That would be nice" I said

"I'll go get started then" she kept the door open.

I waited until she went downstairs to walk to Dylan's room. He was packing up, he paid no attention to my pressence until I came in and started touching things.

"Can you not touch, I'm trying to keep everything organized" he said in a harsh tone.

"Since when are you organized?" I said in a playful matter. I didn't like the tension even if I was mad.

He walked up to me and grabbed the books out of my hands and place them onto boxes "Since now" looking me in the eye.

"Okay...well have fun-"

"I will" he said cutting me off

I wasn't used to him being so mean to me. I didnt like this, I didn't want to argue but it was getting on my nerves.

"Whatever" I said Turing around and heading to my room

"Wait Kanvas" he said as I was about to leave.

He came and placed a shirt in my hand. It was the shirt I gave to him awhile ago when we were shopping. He really liked it and I wanted to get it for him.

"Why are you giving this back?" I asked not sure if it was break up sign.

"My boxes are full with clothes. I didn't want to throw it away so I'm giving it back" he said looking down at the shirt with sadness in his eyes.

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