Chapter 9 : I lost my leo

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months had past and I was laying in my bed in my room bored. I havent heard from Dylan in a while so, i took it as a sign to just firget about him. which was pretty impossible, I missed him but wayne would distract me...

wayne was at the end of my bed as I laid with the covers over me.

my dad and Dylan's mom have been seeing each other alot I think their actually messung around. Maybe Dylan had just backed off so his mom could be with my dad.

my phone vibrared from my night stand. I really didnt feel like answering it so I left it. what if it was important and my dad died and I didn't answer it because I was being an stupid girl. sighing I picked up my phone.

I had one new message from Dylan.,,?

hey...can I come over ?

I texted back sure, maybe I could talk to him and see why he's been acting so weird.

" wayne you have to leave " I shouted as I moved the covers

"why " he huffed as he stoooed his video game

" I have company coming over" I wasn't going to say Dylan because then he wouldn't leave

he groaned as he threw on his jacket" fine...walk me downstairs"

me and him weren't a thing we just had a more than friends relstionship.

I stood up with my dora nightgown on. he smirked as he lifted me so I was in his back.

he walked down the flight of wooden stairs with me on his back and not once did he complain.

" wayneee...." his hands gripped my ass as we went down the last couple of stairs

his hands stayed their until he put me down

" kiss for the road" he asked as he moved his hands around my waist

I lifted in my tip toes as I smashed my lips to waynes it honestly felt like nothing.

I giggled as his hand traced little circles in my back.

" bye wayne" I said pushing him out the door

don't get me wrong i loved his muscular body and he was hot but he was like a best friend, even though we mess around I couldnt see him and me being together.

I sat on the couch as I brushed through my hair maybe I should change.

I raced up to my room as I put on a white t shirt with some red poka dot shorts and some white socks.

I kept my hair straight as I hopped down the stairs.

I ate a bag of chips as I waited. what if he hated me? he was an asshole for ignoring me for months. it was mid march now how and why would he even bother to talk to me now?

I was watching big bang as the door rang, I excitedly got off the couch and opened the door I was in a pure state of distraught as I opened the door.

His dark hair and brown eyes only made me miss him more. his eyes started into mine with blithe not wasting a single moment, he just stared at me and it wasn't awkard or weird.

" Come in " I motioned to the living room of my house as he slowly steped foot after foot into the house he used to come into all the time.

turning off the tv I sat down and Dylan did the same.

" how have you been ?" he asked

"good" my listless tone only made my voice come off more annyoed than I meant it to

"did you miss me?" he asked pretty full of himmself if you asked me

a month ago I would of been gullible enough to say yes but not now " misss totally Rescinded my feelings and now you come back after what 3 months ?"

" I want to explain all of that but, I really did miss you Kanvas" the sad look in his eyed only hinted to the fat that he hadnt been sleeping " things were getting seriouse between us, I couldnt handle losing someone I cared about so much...I just couldn't figure out what I wanted!"

" you should go ....." I didnt want to hear his excuse he had 3 months to make it up , well atleats he said it now. no what am I saying .

" kanvas " dylans hand was holding on to mine and I honestly felt if i moved away he would die

It all the courage I had to stand up and move away from him " 3 months Dylan, 3 months ! you ruined whatever we had "

it took me about a milla second to realize Dylan was 2 inches away from my face. Breathing got harder as he stared intensely at me and tucked my hair behind my left ear.

I could A: kiss him and take a risk or B: push him away and face losing him again

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