Chapter 21: Love spell

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I had managed to fall asleep quickly in Dylan's arm. I was the best sleep I had gotten in ages.

He hadn't woken up before me and I was happy because he had looked exhausted for the past few days.

He shifted a little, I knew he had just woken up.

His fingers were rubbing light up and down my arm as we laid there. Every nerve in my body was reacting to his touch and even thought it was early I wanted to jump on top of him and kiss him but I didn't brush my teeth yet and I hadn't even washed up yet.

I turned around so I was facing him "goodmorning beautiful" his morning voice was driving me crazy I mean seriously I didn't even know you make someone swoon over you, just by saying goodmorning

I smiled and sat up "goodmorning bae-" I stopped and looked at him but all he did was laugh

He sat up and pecked my cheek " morning bae"

I realized I only had on a Tshirt and some sweats and I felt the need to go change. I got up and began to fix the sheets "I'll be back"

"Where you going?"

"Shower" I said grabbing my undergarments

"Can I come?" he asked stretching his amazing body, oh god. I was blushing.

I quickly went into the bathroom and turned on the water. after stripping all of my clothes off I got into the warm water and began to wash up.

After I stepped out I grabbed my towl and dried off. I put on my bra and panties and of course I would forget my clothes, so cliche. I had to admit thought there was a bad side of me that wanted to walk out of there with a towel on and tease him.

I opened the door and saw him lying on the bed still. I quietly walked out and began looking through my dresser.

" Do you like not having a towel?" Dylan asked standing up " I mean you keep coming out here with it, it must be a sign"

I hugged my towel closer to me and looked down. there was something about the carpet that interest me. "Kanvas?" I don't look up " look at me "

I disobeyed but his hand lifted my chin and I had nowhere else to look but his brown eyes.

I couldn't take this anymore,

I kissed him and he pushed me against the dresser. His tongue found mine and in a matter of seconds I was on the dresser with him in between my legs rubbing up and down on them kissing me passionately.

His hands got higher as our breathing got heavier and they found my underware. but he went up undoing my bra leaving my chest exposed.

I moaned as he squeezed and sucked on my right breast.

The towel and my bra both fell to floor. We kept kissing as I reach for the hem of his shirt and motioned for him to take it off. We both stood there topless kissing. I latched my legs around his waist as he picked me up and took me over to the bed.

He laid me down gently and got on top of me places kissing down to my bell button and coming back up sucking on the soft spot on my neck.

His hand found the lace on my underware and began to move then around so they could slide off. I grabbed his hand

" tell me when your ready"

He kissed me again and slid my panties down farther spreading my legs as he put a finger inside of me.

I twitched, not used to the feeling but I liked it, alot.


After the heated scene this morning, I felt kind of embarrassed so I decided to keep some distance between me and Dylan even though all I was thinking about was kissing him. We didn't go all the way. Azul had 'accidentally' interrupted us telling us it was time for breakfeast. Dylan laughed and kissed me before he got up and left the room. keyword left, I can't believed she ruined are little whatever that was.

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