82 // fight the man

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"That is not appropriate attire for a young man to wear. Go to the office right now!" Mr. Peters slammed his hand down on the desk, making the students in the front row flinch. Stiles looked over at Amy Henderson, who was trying her best to hide in her cardigan.

"M-my skirt is an inch below my fingertips and my cardigan covers the straps of my top," her voice was shaky and her usually pale cheeks were covered with a deep red blush.

"I don't care about skirt length! Young men do not flit around wearing women's clothing. Go to the office and get changed," Mr. peters shouted.

"This is ridiculous. You're being transphobic," Stiles said once he realized that Amy was more likely to cry than to argue further.

"Sit down, Mr. Stilinski!" Mr. Peters demanded.

"No! Leave her alone, she hasn't done anything to warrant you sending her to the principles office beside being exactly who she is," Stiles argued.

"You just earned yourself a trip to the office. Go!"

"Fine. I'll make sure to tell them what a transphobic asshole they hired," he snatched his backpack off of the ground then held his hand out for Amy. She took it hesitantly, standing up from her chair. Stiles grabbed her backpack too and led her out of the room with a glare thrown at Mr. Peters.

"What a jackass," stiles mumbled once they reached the hall.

"Thanks for standing up for me like that," Amy said, shuffling her feet a bit. "You didn't have to."

"It didn't look like anyone else was going to. That guy is ridiculous, principle Hanson is going to get such an earful," stiles seethed.

"It's not going to do much. I've made a complaint about Mr. Peters three times already but he donates a lot of money to the school so they obviously aren't going to fire him," Amy sighed.

"That's bullshit," stiles stomped into the principles office, ready to chew everyone out.


"Do I want to know?" Sheriff Stilinski asked, watching as Stiles hopped down the stairs, dressed in a green and beige checkered dress that hugged his slim figure. It was paired with a light green sweater and white shoes.

"I'm taking a stand against misogynistic and transphobic assholes. I have to head out early to swing by Derek's before school. See you later, dad," stiles rambled as he snagged his backpack from the floor and left.

Derek's house was just two blocks down from Stiles'. He was pulling into the driveway in under five minutes. He jumped out of the car, grabbing his backpack and jogging up to the door, careful of his dress. He walked in without knocking, waving to Mrs. Hale in the kitchen.

"Morning Mrs. Hale," he shouted.

"Do I want to know?" She asked.

"I'm taking a stand against misogynistic and transphobic assholes," stiles said as he ran up the stairs.

"Are you wearing a dress?" Cora asked through a mouthful of toothpaste as she peeked out from the bathroom.

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