10 // siblings

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Backpacks? Check.

Shoes? Check.

Inhaler? Check.

Mr. Bear? Check.

Stiles ran down the stairs, skipping a few steps in his rushed haze. His socks slid across a few inches of wood before his feet found purchase on the floor and took him into the kitchen. He shoved a worn out, fading blue bear into his back pocket so he could lurch the refrigerator door open and grab two brown paper bags; two names scrawled messily in the middle of each, setting them on the counter. Stiles looked over at the oven and cursed low in panic at the shining 7:43 that glared back at him like the red, blinking numbers were somehow judging him. A loud groan was pulled from his lips as he pushed himself off of the refrigerator and back into the living room.

Lainie and Jamie were engrossed by PJ Masks when Stiles stumbled into the room; he stood completely still a moment as his brain ran wild with what still needed to be done before he even thought  about stepping foot out of the door. Jamie wouldn't leave even the room without his bear and Lainie's hair was still sticking up in every direction imaginable.

"Lainie, you want your hair in a bun or a braid today?" Stiles sat on the couch behind the girl, watching her absentmindedly brush the aforementioned brown strands out of her face.

"Braid" she decided with a finality to her tone. "I want to wear my green fishing hat today because it matches perfectly with my tutu" she scooted back until her back was pressing against Stiles' knees and he could run a brush through her mop of tangled brown hair. "It's a very special day today and I need my business hat, so that's why I had to wear my green tutu. I was going to wear the pink one then put the butterfly clips in my hair, but then I remembered what needed to be done today so I ultimately had to settle" the girl rambled, her once not leaving the tv once. Stiles raised his eyebrows as he was fastening a plastic rubber band onto the end of one of her pigtails.

"Why is today so important? And good use of the word 'ultimately', that's gotta be like ten scrabble points" Stiles said as he gathered the left side of her hair and started on the second braid.

"More like fifteen" she shrugged; Stiles rolled his eyes. "It rained yesterday and that means the dirt is all muddy since the sun is still on vacation and the clouds are all out. And that means that the worms will be out during recess and Jamie has already agreed to be my bucket holder"

"He agreed or you told him he was?" Stiles asked, tying the end of her braid with the other rubber band.

"It's not my fault that I'm a very convincing person" the little girl shrugged again as she climbed to her feet.

"Oh 'convincing', what? fifteen?" Lainie crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes as if to say 'please' in the most passive aggressive, silent tone in history.

"Eighteen" Stiles really didn't want to question why she was so well educated on the scoring system of Scrabble, especially since they don't own the game.

"Your too smart to be seven. Let's get going before we're late" Stiles clapped his hands as he rose from the couch, grabbed each child's backpack.

"Wait, I have to get my hat!" Lainie shouted before she was scrambling out of the room with her PJ Mask backpack bouncing against her back with every hurried movement. Stiles looked down at Jamie, who was staring up at his with baby brown eyes that reminded him so much of his father. Jamie looked exactly as Stiles did as a child, but the little boys high cheekbones and big, shining eyes came from Noah Stilinski.

"Hey bub" Stiles sat back down on the couch and pulled Jamie close, his hands resting firmly and reassuringly on the boys arms. "I know starting a new school has been hard and school in general has always been a bit of a struggle for you, but you're doing so good and I am so proud of you, okay?" Stiles spoke softly, rubbing his thumb against the inside of the boys elbows.

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