29 // high school reunion

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Derek was a loser in high school.

He was chubby, his eyebrows took up half his forehead, he had braces, he liked learning, and he never learned how to talk to people.

He was an absolute loser that everyone except a handful of people hated. Those people were his sister Laura, his three best friends Erica, Boyd, and Isaac, and his boyfriend Stiles. His sister Cora hated him because she wanted to be popular and he was the outcast, and everyone else hated him because he was dating the most popular boy in school.

Now, you may be wondering why the biggest loser in school could have been dating the popular jock. Derek Hale cannot answer that question

"You look so cute when you read" stiles smiled, pushing Derek's glasses a little further up his nose.

"Stop it" Derek blushed, smacking Stiles' hand away from his face.

"I'm just teasing you baby, what are you reading?" Stiles scooted his chair a bit closer, leaning his cheek on Derek's shoulder.

"Rereading Gatsby" Derek said, tilting the book slightly towards Stiles.

"For the hundredth or two hundredth time?" Stiles smiled.

"Three hundredth" Derek turned to stiles with a facial expression that said 'duh' and stiles laughed.

"Hey stiles!" Before the boy could respond there was a pretty brunette standing in front of the library table. Stiles sat up straight and gave a small smile.

"Hey Lacy, what's up?" He asked. Derek shrunk a bit in his chair when Lacy's eyes flicked over to him.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the movies or something with me this weekend?" Lacy smiled pretty and white, lifting her leg onto the table so he inner thighs were completely exposed beneath her skirt. Derek stared at Stiles, but the other boy's eyes never flicked down for even a millisecond.

"I actually have a boyfriend" Stiles said, wrapping his arm around Derek's shoulders. "He's sitting right here" stiles gestured. Lacy's eyes flicked over to Derek and her lips pulled down in anger.

"You're serious?" She scoffed.

"Yeah, why?" Stiles obliviously asked.

"You're turning me down for that?" She hissed. "You're fucking weird Stilinski" she stomped away without waiting for a response.

"That was weird" Stiles said. Derek shook his head, his heart in his stomach and his throat filling with acid.

"No it wasn't" he muttered as he started packing away all of his books.

"Where are you going?" Stiles asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Nowhere" Derek dismissed, hooking his bag over his shoulder as he went to stand up.

"Derek stop" Stiles gripped the boy's wrist and placed an arm around his waist, holding him closer. "What's wrong? Talk to me" he begged. Derek sighed, tilting his head up to look at the ceiling and avoid Stiles' eyes.

"You get asked out every week by hot girls and guys, why don't you say yes?" He asked. Stiles' face scrunched in confusion.

"Why would I? I have you" He said. Derek rolled his eyes, looking down to make eye contact with stiles.

"Why would you want me when you can have them? I'm not skinny, I'm not hot, I have a dry sense of humor, I'm a terrible conversationalist-"

"Stop" Stiles set both of his hands on Derek's cheeks as he cut him off. "Stop" he repeated. "I don't care if you're not stick thin, I think you're beautiful, I love your humor, and you talk to me just fine. Don't you dare try to push me away because you think you're less than what you are. I love you and I am not going to change my mind about that, you hear me?"

That's how most of high school went. Derek would get insecure, stiles would reassure him. Then they left high school. Derek started working out, he grew into his eyebrows, his jawline got sharper, his pudge turned into hard muscle, and he got a job as a firefighter. Stiles and Derek got married and adopted a beautiful little baby girl named Fatema.

Then their high school reunion came around. Celebrating fifteen years of graduation and freedom. Derek stood by the punch scowling at the gymnasium where he was dragged by his sister to "show school spirit". In reality he knew it was because their parents took away her car privileges after catching her making out with Ryan King, who was coincidentally on the basketball team. But Derek still went because Stiles was on the basketball team and at that time he was a lovestruck puppy dog.

"Der this is great, Jackson Whittemore is broke, Kelly Harris is fat, and Johnny Ramos is gay!" Stiles smiled wide, nudging Derek's shoulder

"This is terrible" Derek muttered, shaking his head as he sipped from his punch.

"Oh come on Der, it's not that bad" Stiles nudged him again.

"I'd rather be at home letting Fatema put those terrible little butterfly clips in my hair" he said with a glare. Stiles chuckled, taking Derek's punch and sipping from it himself.

"Yeah well pigs will fly before my dad lets us take her tonight. Their having ice cream sundaes and without her he'd be having oatmeal cookies for dessert" Stiles said, rolling his eyes. Derek was about to respond before the clack of heels and a high voice stopped him.

"Stiles Stilinski" much to Derek's horror, standing before them was lydia Martin, dressed in a satin red dress with black heels, her hair perfectly styled and her face perfectly lifted.

"Lydia Martin as I live and breathe" Stiles hugged the woman and smiled.

"Finally ditched that Hale boy huh?" Lydia said, looking at Derek with a predatory smile. "I always thought a star athlete with your kind of looks needed someone more in your league. When did you let go of Hale?" She asked. Stiles cleared his throat and wrapped his arm around Derek's waist.

"Actually I married Hale" stiles said, showing the woman his gold band. Lydia's eyes widened just slightly, her face going blank as she scanned her eyes over Derek.

"This" she gestured at Derek from head to toe "is chubby, braces, clumsy, socially awkward Derek Hale?" She asked.

"Umm... yes?" Stiles said.

"Good to see you too lydia" Derek took his punch back from stiles and took a drink, wishing there was whisky in it.

"Well I'll be dammed, miracles do happen" the woman promptly walked away after making the remark.

"I hate high school" Derek muttered into his cup.

"Oh honey" Stiles smiled sympathetically, patting Derek's chest. "Let's go home and put some butterfly clips in your hair yeah?" Derek nods enthusiastically, dropping his cup and practically dragging Stiles out of the school.

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