14 // words

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March 30th : hallway / English 12

Words are just words. Phrases and sentences all compiled of different words used with different tones in order to provoke different reactions. Harsh words are used with bitter tones out of anger or malice or jealousy.

Words are words, but harsh words are verbal attacks to the heart and mind.

Stiles slipped inside of the school, wrapping his arms around himself as he tried to glide undetected through the halls. He kept his head down, his eyes trained on the specks decorating the tile, trying to make it to his locker unscathed.

"Freak" a cough did nothing to hide the nasty words as he felt a shove to his shoulder. He didn't want to believe high school was really like this; that it like all those movies with the snobby rich girl and her clique of zombie cheerleaders. But this is his high school life. Some kids went to high school and made it though with a small, tight group of friends and left to do mediocre things with their lives. Some were on top all through out high school and moved on to also do mediocre things. High school is dramatized, some think it's the worst four years of their life, some think it was okay, others think it was the best four years they'll ever experience.

Stiles shoved his backpack into his locker and pulled out English textbook, clutching it to his chest as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, checking the time. It was only 8 am.

"Hey slut" Stiles' eyes fell shut tiredly as the voice traveled through the hallway. He didn't really understand why no one seemed to care about the girl and her wicked ways, but he didn't care enough to say anything either.

"What do you want Kate?" He bit out, slipping his phone into his backpack as he shut his locker.

"Oh I was just wondering why you're here and not with your little result of vodka and bad taste" Kate said. Stiles turned to face the girl with a scowl on his face.

"Kate, every day you come up to me and insult me and you walk about the halls talking shit about me, and that's fine. I don't really give as much of a shit as you think I do" Stiles took a step towards the girl, her eyes rolling. "But do not talk about my daughter, that's where I draw the line. Call me a slut. Call me a whore. Call me a freak, I don't care. But you will not speak of my daughter" Kate leaned in close to Stiles, a small smirk planted upon perfectly pink painted lips.

"Oh dear boy. Oh dear, dear Stiles, you really think you can just say a few words and that'll be it?" She laughed sarcastically. "Your little drunken mistake is going to grow up with barely enough, because her father couldn't keep it in his pants" the girl whispered harshly before she turned with a smile and walked off. Stiles rolled his eyes, hitting his hand against his locker as he walked away.

The school bell rang just as Stiles sunk into his seat in Mrs Withers 12th grade English class.

"Today we will be talking about words" mrs withers said, walking about her desk with her hands laced on top of her pregnant belly. "What are words? Why are they so important?" Stiles leaned back in his chair, tapping his pen softly against his notebook as miss withers went on.

"I want to create a project in which we can explore our self expression, or better yet the expression of others, show the things that make us who we are, that make us happy, the things that make us sorrowful. I will-" the opening of the door cut off miss withers sentence, a tall, built black haired boy slipping inside of the room with a slip of paper in his hand.

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