First cave adventure

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I looked inside the dark hole in the ground. I currently needed iron and the only way how was to A. Look for surface iron or B. Go inside the cave. Looking for surface iron was taking forever so I decided to gather all my confidence and head to the nearest cave.

With shaky steps I walked inside the cave slowly. I raised a iron axe I had and my shield. I managed to collect enough surface iron to make a picaxe, axe, and a shield. I am using leather armor because I didn't have anything else to protect me other then a shield.

I grabbed a Torch and looked around the dark cave. There was some iron so I set the torch down and went to get the iron. Right after I got the iron, I heard the growls(?) of the zombies and the noise of bones moving behind me.

I turned around only to be faced with a zombie. I quickly blocked the zombie with my shield. I prepared for this moment. For the past few weeks I've been fighting at night so I can man up and go inside the cave.

I slashed the zombie using my shield. The zombie scratched at my skin and I winced in pain trying not to cry. I landed a few more hits before the zombie finally died. I looked up at my health bar to see I'm missing 3 hearts. 'Not bad'

I grinned my confidence going up as I looked around the cave I placed more torches down and collected more iron. Thinking I was safe I carelessly let my guard down. I suddenly felt pain in my lower leg. I looked down to see a arrow in my leg, I quickly blocked the next arrow. I peaked over my shield seeing a skeleton and spider rushing me.(I hate that)

I tensed up and clenched my iron axe as I charged the two creatures. I split the skeleton and spider up dodging the arrows until one hit the spider, angering the spider making its target the Skeleton. I moved out of the way and hid behind a near by block carefully watching the fight as the skeleton won killing the spider after a few shots.

I went in to finish off the skeleton considering it was hit by the spider a couple of times it weakened and it health was low. After I finished off the skeleton, it's bones and a arrow left hovering above the floor, next to it was the spider remains, which was a string and eye. I collected the the items and left the cave.

"That's enough adventure for me" I sighed talking aloud. I killed some pigs and cows and headed back to my little hut to smelt the iron and cook the food.

In total I collected 40 pieces of iron and two stacks of cobble stone.(listen this might be dramatic but whatever) I checked my food supply and made sure I had plenty enough food for my journey through the lands far away from my spawn point and my safe hut.

I feel bad because there's barely any word but I wanted to get a new chapter out. Did you guys see today's stream it was so sad :( L'manburg. Also SAD-it's animation! Love it

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