The Blade

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"What are you doing in my room?" A tired monotoned voice said. I shot up from laying down and looked at the pink-haired man. He looked tired but cute?

"Huh? You even have a chest in here with a sign?! It's not even in a good spot! My room's real estate just went down!" Technoblade complained looking around his room making sure nothing was missing.

"Wilbur put that there" I slowly started standing up.

"Techno, I think I put it in a decent spot" Wilbur grinned making sure to say techno a bit louder.

"Wil how do you fail that bad?" Tecno sighed moving the chest to somewhere he liked. A few seconds later loud thumping could be heard and there stood Tommy looking at technoblade.

"BLADE!" Tommy ran to his older brother hugging him.

Wil motioned for me to follow him as which a did look back at the man being tackled in a hug by the blonde boy. I followed Wilbur outside. He pats the spot next to him to which I sat next to him.

"Tommy's really clingy to us. I told you in the house about him locking himself in his room?"

I nodded letting Wilbur know I was listening.

"In the beginning, Tommy was with his friend named Tubbo.  Tubbo was nice he was like family to all of us. Well, one day Tommy and Tubbo went out hunting with Techno they decided to split up and meet back up where the forest starts. I don't know the full story but all I know is Techno was at the meet-up spot and they both weren't there. Techno went and saw Tommy holding Tubbos body till it disappeared, no one knows where Tubbo is now. Tommy hasn't told anyone what happened other than Phil. He forgot to set his spawn point at the house." Wilbur sighed looking out into the sunset.

"Let's head inside I'm sure dinners ready" Wilbur stood up and offered me a hand

"Tommy doesn't deserve that, he's strong it appears I wouldn't think he was that sensitive" Wilbur helped me up with a chuckle. We both headed inside seeing Tommy who had a sparkle in his eye looking at techno blade

Everyone was seated at the table as Phil handed out a steak to everyone.

"so are we not gonna talk about the random girl that was in my bed and had a chest in MY room?" Techno looked at Phil to which he got an answer he did not want.

"Well, you see she's staying in your room while you share with Wil again."

"I'm sorry Techno but she needs a place to stay and your room is the cleanest and you lost Rock Paper Scissors

"So having a cleanroom is a punishment now great"

"Phil he doesn't have to share a room I'm perfectly fine sleeping somewhere out here"

"See! She said she doesn't have to!" Techno gestured his hands to get at his point which only leads to getting a glare from Phil. "Fine" Techno huffed and continued eating.

After dinner was done everyone went to their rooms. Techno walked into his to which I followed he opened his window. He reached up and hoisted himself on top of his window.

"What the hell are you doing?" I looked up to see Technoblade on top of the roof. He looked at me for a second before looking away.

"Sitting on the roof," He said blankly.

"No shit"

He just chuckled and looked ahead at an upcoming skeleton. He pulled out his bow and shot the skeleton killing it. "Come up here"

"like hell-"

"Your scared like everyone else of the night."

"well of course I am there are monsters"

"Come up and I'll show you what it's actually like"
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Remember your amazing.✨


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