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We all discussed what to think of the Nether. We all agreed that we should gather more materials. Phil decided that we wouldn't stay in the Nether for long, considering we don't know much about it. We all geared up in diamond armor and diamond materials.

Here we stand a week later I grabbed the obsidian nervously and placed it in the missing spots. Technoblade lights up the portal. Everyone stepped back and watched as the portal turned purple and had mini swirls. The portal looked, mysterious which filled my curiosity more.

I looked over at Techno who looked determined, not a trace of nervousness. He looked at me as we made eye contact. I looked away and turned to everyone else. As expected they were nervous, Tommy trying to hype himself up to hide how scared he really was.

"So uh" I cleared my throat "Are we ready to go through the portal?"

"I don't think we ever will be N/N but it has to be done," Wilbur said shakily

"Let's go in altogether?" I offered to which he nodded.

I looked at Tommy who looked at the portal his eyes showing that he was scared but he made sure to try and cover it up. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me raising his eyebrow.

"You don't have to go Tommy" I smiled softly.

"Y/n's right" Phil stated "Maybe next time, when we know exactly what's in there"

Tommy hesitated wanting to argue but he knew he didn't want to go in. He didn't want his siblings going in. He didn't want his dad going in, hell he didn't want you going in.

"But you said everyone," Tommy said quietly. "I don't want to be a burden"

"Tommy your not a burden I promise you," Wilbur said ruffling Tommy's hair. Tommy let out a sigh of relief. He looked at everyone.

"I'm staying here until all of you guys come back," Tommy said sitting on the ground placing his jukebox next to him putting in cat.

"We will, all of us will come back and we can listen to all your music discs"

Tommy nodded "Be safe"

We all went through the portal. Everything started spinning as the purple mist turned black. Next thing I knew I was inside a dark but lit up the world. It was filled with lava and it's super hot. You could probably cook a steak if you tried. I looked over the edge seeing a ocean of lava.

We stood on the sand like blocks. Which slowed us down.

"What the hell is this stuff?" Techno whispered under his breath.

"I dunno..." Phil said looking around an arrow whizzed past us and there stood Skeletons. It was weird seeing regular mobs in a place that's supposed to be more dangerous. Was the only danger lava? There were no other mobs around. Wilbur killed the skeleton and started bridging across the sea of lava.

"Be careful Will" Phil commented nervously as Wilbur finished blocking over to the other side.

"Good thing Tommy got a lot more wood than needed" Wilbur commented as he looked back at the oak bridge. It was a one-block bridge so you had to be careful walking back. There was a Zombie but a pig? He looked at us then walked away Techno got his bow ready but I quickly grabbed his shoulder so he would put it down.

"Not until we need it"


"It's so hot In here" Wilbur complained as we walked further. Suddenly there was a cry and we looked up seeing a ghost-like creature. It looked at us and sent a fireball our way. There was ringing and my body felt like it was on fire. I looked around and saw Techno running over to me.

"We have to go now! can you walk?" Techno said trying to stay calm. I tried getting up but fell back down.

"I have Wilbur lets go Techno!" Phil called out as Phil helped Wilbur walk.

"What's going on?" I coughed.

Techno just focused on what lied ahead.

"Wil be careful coming back," Phil said as he helped Wilbur across the bridge.

There was another scream of and fireball as my eyes closed and my hearing stopped.

This was short but I hoped you liked it! As always remember you are ✨amazing!✨

————————————————————————This was short but I hoped you liked it! As always remember you are ✨amazing!✨

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