Chaos On the Battle Field

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(quick Thing in this book I am not shipping Tommy and Tubbo together its a friendship only bond)

(With Fundy and Ranboo)

"Hey fundy, I have some positions brewing, Me and Y/n think there's a traitor but I'm not too sure I don't think anyone would do that especially you and Niki"

"It's all my fault" Fundy cried looking down. "It's all my fault that Niki lost her second life"

"Fundy it wasn't your fault trust me I don't think you could've predicted-"

"I told him"

"Told who?"

"Once I saw this man named Schlatt..... He killed me once before I came here, he said I was useless, so after I came here" he sobs. "I saw him passing by and he threatened me to tell me where L'manburg was b-because he was gonna help dream."

Ranboo looked at fundy shocked, to say the least. Fundy looked at Ranboo, Fundy started laughing like a Maniac standing up.

"Don't you see Ranboo?!" Ranboo looked horrified as he stepped back.

"This nation this place! Is keeping everyone from escaping this place! It's your fault! It's everyone in this nation's fault!" Fundy laughed tears trailing down his face "it was fun while it lasted"

"Fundy.... how could you? You- You are my friend?" Ranboo started panicking as the voices in his head were conflicting on what Fundy was to him.

"It's over Ranboo" Fundy pointed his sword at Ranboo, Fundy swung his sword at Ranboo as he was having an Anxiety Attack. Fundy sword collided with mine.

"How fucking dare you Fundy!" I exclaimed stopping the sword from hitting Ranboo.

"Just kill me Y/n" Fundy looked at Me dead in the eye. I glared and grabbed him by his shirt.

"Stop acting like a fucking coward, if you want to die by running away from something you caused then be my guest but you're not gonna die right now" My shoulders shook as tears fell down my cheeks "Your gonna help us get back our nation!" I yelled throwing fundy to the ground.


"No buts, stand on your feet and fight!" Fundy nodded and got up. "This will make up for your actions" I grinned which made him smiles back slightly as he climbed out of Ranboo's hideout.

I looked over at Ranboo who was hiding in his knees talking to himself panicked with small tears. I wake up to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He jumped and looked at me.

"It's okay Ranboo everything will be fine, okay? Why don't you stay here with Niki?"

"No I don't want to be weak," he said he was still a little shaky. "Please I want to help" He stood up and looked through a secret chest pulling out a crossbow with Poison arrows.

I sighed but nodded slightly, a little worried for the boy.

"Be careful okay?" He nodded and headed up the latter as I followed. The once pretty garden was scuffed and ruined. I looked around at the fighting and Chaos. New people were fighting which scared me a little.

(With Tommy and Tubbo)
"I have something so precious to you Tommy" Schlatt grinned.

"Like what?" Tommy added jumping off the horse the rain still coming down hard.

"Why don't you come out and stop hiding.....Tubbo"

Tommy froze as Tubbo slowly came out from the trees his face wasn't the happy face Tommy was used too but nonetheless it was Tubbo. His Tubbo


"Tommy" Tubbo started to slowly walk to the boy

"Tubbo!" Tommy started running

"Tommy!" Tubbo hugged Tommy as the two boys cried into each other's shoulder. It was a sight that would be a happy moment, a moment that melted everyone's hearts but it happened at the wrong time, the wrong situation.

"Let's go Schlatt the Funtime is over" Dream commented jumping down from the tree. "We should let them suffer slowly as their nation burns down"

"Fine, Tubbo let's go" Schlatt demanded Tubbo hesitantly let go of Tommy.


"I'm sorry Tommy...."

"Don't go!" Tommy stood up. "Don't follow this prick! Stay with us! Stay with me! Please!" Tommy cried out looking at Tubbo.

"Tommy your not in the position to talk to anyone like that" Dream snickered. "Plus all your friends are down for the count"

Tommy looked around he didn't see anyone he only saw dreams side as they all pointed their swords at him. Quackity, George, Sapnap, and Dream surrounded him.

"Don't test me, Tommy, I can easily take away everything"

"Fuck you"

"What'd you say?"

"Fuck you dream!"

Dream aimed his crossbow at Tommy firing it. Tommy waited for the impact that never came. He looked up and saw Tubbo in front of Tommy an arrow in Tubbo shoulder.

"You too Tubbo?" Dream snickered. "Fine by me I don't need you anyway"

Dream aimed another arrow, a poisonous one to be exact he aimed it at Tubbo both boys ducked which ended up with Fundy getting hit by the arrow.

Dream smiled. "Thank you, Fundy your job is done now"

Fundy fell to the ground as everyone from dreams side ran away to wherever they were. Tubbo stayed next to Tommy as Tommy watched Fundy fall.

Footsteps were heard coming closer but Tommy just stared at Fundy's body.

"Fundy!" I screamed running to him.

"What happened?!" Wilbur added panic in his eyes. Everyone was battered and bruised, and on top of that, they had no home to go to.

"D-dream....." Tommy gulped and I turned Fundy onto his back. Fundy looked up at the sky and sighed. He was slow slowly dying and he knew it. He had no more lives left in this world.

"Fundy hold on okay? I have healing potions just let me find-"

"I'm ready to go," Fundy said looking up at the small sunlight that shown through the clouds.

"It was nice meeting you all, I ..... wish...... I could've survived..with you all and in real life" The sun covered Fundys body as he started to slowly disappear.

"Survive for me" He smiles softly before disappearing fully the sun is shown on the spot where his body once was as if the heavens were welcoming in a new angel to the golden gates.

I hope you liked this chapter it was all over the place, but I hope you enjoyed it! I was crying while writing the last bit I hope it was sad enough lol. Daily reminder that your ✨ perfect ✨ the way you are!

 Daily reminder that your ✨ perfect ✨ the way you are!

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