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"I will," Techno said heading in the direction of his room."I have to get supplies from my room anyways"

The three other males in the room looked at each other. Wilbur grinning knowing about his older brother of two minutes secret. Phil was confused, to say the least at his eldest son's behavior, then there's the youngest who wasn't really paying attention he was waiting to boast about his diamonds.

Techno knocked on the door "Why am I knocking when it's my room?"

Techno peeked his head inside the room seeing Y/n asleep he slowly opened the door and knocked on the door frame a little harder making the girl stir and open her eyes slightly.

"uh, da- I mean Phil has breakfast ready" Technoblade awkwardly said as the girl stood up out of bed.

"Thanks, Techno" She flashed a smile as she walked to where everyone else was which gave Technoblade butterflies to which he shook them off

(Back to Your POV)

I walked past Technoblade and headed to the table Tommy had diamonds Wilbur was grinning and Phil was handing out everyone's food onto a plate, it was pieces of cake. I haven't had cake in this world before, it's hard to remember what cake tasted like.

"Y/n guess what!" Tommy grinned looking at me as I sat next to he hyper child

"What is it, Tommy?" I asked as he held out his Diamonds

"Wilbur gave me diamonds because he lost a bet!"

"That's nice Tommy"

"I know! Now I can make a chest plate! Then the blade will let me go hunting again!"

"You have to be careful out there Toms it's dangerous, especially at night"

"Alright enough talk about negatives plus Tommy, it's up to me" Phil ruffled Tommy's hair as he walked by leaving Tommy pouting as he fixed his hair.

Technoblade came out from his room he was carrying a bag to which I assumed was the inventory bag for important uses, such as potions or Gapples which are hard to find. He sat down across from me. After everyone was seated we started eating. Tommy had no hesitation as he scarfed his piece of cake down, Wilbur and Phil casually ate theirs. Techno was only poking his piece seemingly in deep thought.

I ate my cake it tasted so good, in a way it felt as if we weren't trapped in a game everyone loved growing up or play. I smiled as we all talked about random stuff and laughed.

"Blade are you gonna eat your piece?" Tommy asked which startled the male from his thoughts. "If not can I have it?"

"Uh sure," Techno slides his plate over to Tommy to which Tommy ate it quickly.

"Tommy are you sure you need that much sugar?" Wilbur joked as Tommy looked at him he had icing on his face making everyone laugh "You also have something on your face"

Tommy turned red because of embarrassment wiping his face with his sleeve.

"I hope you slept well Y/n" Phil looked at me as I nodded even though I accidentally pulled an all-nighter my nap was refreshing

"Perfectly fine" I glanced at Techno as our eyes met but quickly looked away.

"That's good, I was thinking about going on a little adventure considering some of us haven't really left the house" Phil looked at Tommy smiling hoping it would make the blonde happy.

"Really?!" Phil nodded as Tommy stood up smiling running to his room to get ready.

I chuckled at the excited boy and got up.

"Well, we should all get ready to meet in 10 minutes?" Phil looked at me, Wilbur, and Techno which received nods as we got up and went to get our stuff. I followed Techno to his room and Wilbur went to his own. I walked to my chest in the corner and techno gathered stuff from the different chests.

"You collect a lot" I commented looking at him

"I would like to get potions but I don't have the materials for it," Techno said monotonously and tiredly. It was different from when it was last night. I shrugged it off.

I gathered my supplies. I put on some armor and took out my bow putting it on as if it was a crossbody bag. I put my arrows in my bag along with food. I grabbed my axe and headed out of the room and outside to where Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy were.

"Hurry! Hurry!" Tommy was basically jumping out of excitement Techno came from behind me and we all walked to the dark oak forest.
Heyo! I'm really sorry if this seems rushed but I promise Tomorrow's chapter will be worth it compared to this one! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As always remember you super ✨pog✨

————————————————————————Heyo! I'm really sorry if this seems rushed but I promise Tomorrow's chapter will be worth it compared to this one! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As always remember you super ✨pog✨

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