Flower Field

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It took a few long days waiting for the two to fully respawn. Techno was holding my hand when I woke up, it was warm and gave me butterflies. I looked over and saw him looking out the window it was mid-day based on what i could tell. I could tell he was more tired than usual, he still looked cute but it concerned me.

"Techno?" I called out softly as to which Techno shot his head over in my direction.

he turned in to look at me he relaxed himself seeing as I was now fully conscious. he gave me a small smile before frowning.

"you need to be a more careful nerd. you let your guard down"

"I know I'm sorry"

"can't accept that apology" he grinned slightly before shifting to face me "I had an idea though"


" how about we do a picnic, you know to escape danger for once and relax" his cheeks were dusted pink as he spoke.

"I like that idea" I smiled softly at him as the sunset a perfect light on his face.

"We are gonna leave tomorrow morning" he stopped for a second. "does that sound good to you or is it too soon?" He quickly added making sure I was completely fine with going tomorrow.

"I would like to go tomorrow"


The sun slowly turned to dusk as the stars started to appear. It was a foggy night as to which techno shut the window standing up to stretch. his bones cracked most likely because he was sitting there for a long time I assume.

"I'm gonna go sleep in the living-"

"Please don't go" I cut him off. I was scared and I didn't want to be alone, not after what happened in the nether. He looked at me confused.


I scooted over and pat the spot next to me signaling him to lay next to me. He started contemplating in deep thought. his mind raced along with his heartbeat. He finally looked back up walking over to the bed.

"Only because your a scardey cat" He added laying down next to me.

"Am not" I pouted slightly.

"Whatever you say" Techno chuckled.

It was quiet, if I was honest I couldn't sleep. I turned on my side to look at technoblade. He was asleep but just barely. I quietly got out of bed and went to techno's spot on the roof of the house. The latter making creaking by every plank I climbed on. I winced hearing the sound considering I was trying to be quiet.

I grabbed the bow that was left outside with a few arrows. I aimed my bow at the spider considering it was fast it would be good target practice. I missed my first shot but made the next two to kill it off. I sighed looking up at the stars. I heard the latter creek and saw a tired Technoblade.

"Can you explain why you are up here?" he asked tiredly rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry did I wake you up?" I asked.

"Kinda" he walked next to me sitting down. "I don't mind though"

Day time came faster then expected as the sun rose. We pulled yet another all nighter. We climbed down into the room and walked out to the kitchen. I saw Wilbur and hugged him as he hugged back.

"Why the hell did you go and die?" I frowned

"I could ask you the same" he said hugging me tightly before pulling away.

"Wilbur" techno hugged him quickly.

"Techno your so rude" Wilbur teased.


"Your so weird I'm sure you hugged Y/n"

"No I didn't!"

"Damn it" Wilbur said handing Tommy 1 diamond.

Tommy grinned until Phil said something.

"Tommy didn't you tell Wi-" Tommy quickly cut him off not wanting Phil to expose what he said to Wilbur when he was unconscious.

"No I didn't"

"Tell me what?" Wil looked confused. Phil just bursted out laughing at his Sons antics.

"He called you wilby"

Tommy blushed looking down flustered. Wilbur smiled softly remembering the name. Techno just laughed.

"Shut up and let's just go to this stupid picnic" Tommy said walking out side but made sure to stick his tongue out to Phil and Techno.

Everyone followed Tommy but Tommy got us lost so Techno took the lead and we walked to a familiar biome. It was the one I told him about before we found the portal.

I grinned running over to the flowers laying on the grass. Tommy went somewhere with Wil because apparently they found a blue sheep but they probably were seeing things.

I closed my eyes and heard someone sit next to me. I looked over and saw Technoblade. I sat up and faced him. He pulled out my F/f and handed it to me. I smiled and took it.

"I think I like you" He said upfront which shocked me.

"I didn't realize how much till you died in my arms. You always make me smile and when I'm around you I get this weird sensation of happiness" he rambled.


"And I understand if you don't like me back but I just couldn't wait any longer"


He stopped nervously and looked at me. I smiled softly and held his hand. "I like you too"

He smiled and hugged me laying down on the grass. I smiled hugging him back. After a few minutes of laying there I heard soft snores I glanced down and saw him asleep. I chuckled and played with his pink hair.

Wilbur walked over and saw his brother hugging his best friend. He was gonna tell them about his new pet named Friend but he decided to leave the pair alone grinning and made a small 'Yes'

Hello! I'm really sorry not updating in a while! I had finals last week and I had new teachers this week but I'm officially back! Thank you for all the reads! ✨ Remember your amazing ✨

————————————————————————Hello! I'm really sorry not updating in a while! I had finals last week and I had new teachers this week but I'm officially back! Thank you for all the reads! ✨ Remember your amazing ✨

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