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I went back to our little nation and fixed up a few things. Simple stuff I could do on my own, like making a small grave for Niki and putting the animals that survived in the pen that I fixed up.

I sighed as I looked around I checked up on everyone who was still in their re-spawn phase. I noticed something, Ranboo wasn't here. I checked around everywhere in L'manburg but failed to find him.

I grabbed simple stuff from the chest and went looking for him in the dark oak forest.

"Ranboo!" I called out gently to the boy.

I walked deeper into the woods and saw Ranboo looking into the battlefield. "I killed someone," he said "I took away someone's chance at living"

"It's frustrating, but this was either kill or die, I tried avoiding it"

"A few people died," Ranboo said

"I know Niki did"

"Schlatt did too" he sighed "Apparently Schlatt did something to Quakity so he lost a life then, and Technoblade did the final blow"

"It sucks, granted he was a Jackass, he was still human, one of us trying to fight and survive this world."

Ranboo nodded "I hope Fundy, Niki, and Schlatt are at peace now"


"It's funny when I went on walks with the two of them, we would always joke around about stupid stuff, try out new things" Ranboo looked up at the clouds reaching his hand up to the sky.

"Then they die unexpectedly, I don't want to forget them, never" Ranboo brought his hand down looking at me dead in the eye "Never again, no one will die on my watch, even if that means we never fight the dragon, I'm fine with that"

"I know how you feel Ranboo, you get attached it's addicting, to stay here, you can do whatever you want, you can talk to people, it's weird but I'm glad I'm here."


"Anyways let's head back?"

"Alright," Ranboo said walking out of the forest to which I followed.

"We need to rebuild huh?"

"Yeah, we never had time after the explosion so I guess we can start, I already fixed the little stuff like the animal pen, only Henry, Friend, Carl, and Dogboo survived as I can tell so far"

"Well at least some of them survived," he said petting his dog.

"I put your dog here because you know your house and all" I sighed "I'm really sorry about the way that we used your secret room."

"No no it's fine" he smiled softly "I would rather people be safe, plus don't underestimate my skills"

"I believe you" I replied. "So what should we do first?"

"Well Niki's house is the most destroyed but She's also....." his voice trailed out nodding to the grave.

"We should still fix it along with Fundy's"

"Yeah I know but we should work on Phil's, Tommy, and Wilbur's house and yours and Technoblades house, or mine"

"We can work on yours Ranboo, Techno is picky and Tommy doesn't like people messing with his stuff"

"Alright, and understandable"

"Tommy is just like that" I chuckle "Anyways let's go check the damage"

We both headed to his house to which the side of the house was gone. I walked over and started placing grass blocks to fill in the gaps.

A few days passed which meant the people who were killed would fully wake up now. They all seemed a little more on edge, especially Wilbur and Tubbo. They were cautious with everything they did.

"Fuck dream that bastard"

"Didn't you beat him?"


"Not without assistance" Wilbur joked with the blonde.

"Fuck off Wilbur" Tommy snapped at Wilbur.

"Get to work nerd," Techno said putting his house back together.

"Me and Tubbo are gonna go listen to our disc!" Tommy ran away from Techno sticking his tongue out which made Techno roll his eyes.

I chuckled and helped Techno "Let the kids be" I joked around.

"They need to stop being lazy and don't say it like that!" Techno blushed it confused me till I rethought my sentence.

"I didn't mean it like that! Geez! Plus do you even want kids?"

"You never know" he grins

I smacked him lightly and he laughed. I went inside and fixed up the carpet. I walked out of the house and looked around, a lot of the houses were fixed but some were totaled.

"It really is like our own little town"

"Yeah it's nice for once"

"What does that mean?" I asked Techno


"I never want to leave here"

"Then let's not, let's never go back, we can stay here like this forever," Techno said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"It would be easier"

"And safer"

"What's with you and safety all of a sudden?"

"When your brother has only one life left it hits harder"

"True" I sighed and thought about everyone's life count.

Tommy had two along with Me, Techno, Phil, and Ranboo according to my calculations with our group.

"Let's just hope nothing changes"

About a year later our nation grew we added new buildings and designs, we made a proper grave, we lost pets like Henry and Jonald. We did gain Enderchest and EnderPearl.

I smiled and walked through L'manburg, Tommy and Tubbo were listening to their discs at the bench near the L'mantree. Ranboo was noting down different things in his notebook walking around. Wilbur was petting friend talking to Phil and Techno.

I felt a pat on my shoulder and turned around to see a brown-haired male with a purple and blue shade hoodie with a green swirl he was with another person with a hoodie on with a halo and tail.

"Can I help you?"

"Well we need to defeat the Dragon so that's why I came here"

I hope you liked the chapter! There are only 4 chapters left of this book unfortunately but I was thinking about making a sequel possible Moving on from that, ✨ Remember you are beautiful the way you are and amazing no-one can convince me otherwise ✨

————————————————————————I hope you liked the chapter! There are only 4 chapters left of this book unfortunately but I was thinking about making a sequel possible Moving on from that, ✨ Remember you are beautiful the way you are and amazing no-one ...

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