Clash of the Swords

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Everyone was on edge after what Dream said. We all made plans about different scenarios that could have a possibility of happening. I sighed and as I patrolled around L'manburg, it wasn't all bad though. We made a L'manurg National anthem and I was able to sew a flag by what I learned from the village with the loom.

I looked up at the clouds, it appears to be another rainstorm. I sighed as I waved to Niki and Fundy who were tending to the animals and Wilbur was doing his daily walk with Friend but he saw it was gonna rain so he brought him inside.

I looked at the rain that came pouring down everyone went inside but I stayed out as to which Tommy did too. I walked over to him.

"Hey Toms, what are you doing outside its pouring out"

"I want to protect this land! I have been here from the start I don't need a green man take it away" He had a fire in his eyes and determination that I've never seen before.

"Same here," Wilbur said walking behind Tommy.

"Well, I suppose so" I smiled softly at the two. "Be careful though and keep an eye out for anything"

They nodded and we walked around L'manburg, it wasn't much but it was home, it was safety, and escape from the game. I smiled gently and chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Wilbur asked.

"Just thinking about some memories from over the year"

"It has been interesting"

"Is it selfish that I never want to go back" I looked up at the cold rain hitting my face.

"What do you mean"Wilbur stopped looking at me.

"I want to stay here, I want it to stay the way it is" I looked him in the eye. "I want to keep being here. I want to continue to have small dates with techno on the roof. I want to always stay here hanging out with you, Tommy and Phil. I want to stay in L'manburg, I don't want to go anywhere else"

"I know what you mean," He said as he started looking in front of him facing the small town we have created. "I don't want to either, that means Friend would be gone" He chuckled

"But what if someone beats the dragon?" Tommy said sadly.

"Guess we would have to find each other" Technoblade said putting his hand on Tommy's head.

"Where the hell did you come from?" Tommy jumped.

"From the house"

Tommy was gonna say something sarcastic back till we heard a loud explosion coming from inside L'manburg. We all turned and ran to the noise. There was fire everywhere and a tall figure grinning in the trees.

I pulled out my bow and shot the man from the tree, he fell off the tree and landed on the ground. I ran over to see who it was, this man wasn't part of dreams two friends this was someone different.

"Who are you?" Technoblade said holding the man by his shirt holding his sword.

The man had a crown and sunglasses on but they weren't normal they were more professional like.

"Eret" the man grinned as he looked behind Technoblade on the destruction he just made.

"You guys let your guard down, what a pity" dream grinned from atop of a tree.

"Dream, you know -Oh yeah- you know -yeah!-. Why don't we fight right now dream!


"Why don't we 1 versus one!"

"Tommy calm!" Wilbur grabbed Tommy's shoulders looking at the boy.

TNT exploded behind us as we watched Sapnap and George throw TNT onto our land. They ran away. Techno let go of Eret and looked behind him.

"WOOOOOO" George and Sapnap yelled jumping on top of the trees.

"We are at war" Dream smirked "And we have no mercy! No mercy for you!" Dream ran away with sapnap I knew they were gonna be back soon enough.

"This place, this land, it was never meant be!" Eret grinned as he pulled out his sword which clashed with Technos as they fought each other.

Tommy ran to town and hopped on the skeleton horse to try and follow the trio to wherever they were going.

"Y/n! Go check on the others!" I nodded and quickly ran to see the houses we made the gardens and out flag on fire.

"Niki?! Fundy?! Ranboo?!" I yelled running around I reached fundy's house and saw him laying on the ground badly injured.

"Let's get you out of here Fundy" I said wrapping putting his arm around my shoulder. I thought of places to go for safety then I remembered Ranboo's hide out. I quickly walked Fundy outside.

"Ranboo! I yelled at and the said male popped out of his underground hide out confused till he looked out and saw the fire.

"What happened?! Why is everything on fire!" He said running over to me and Fundy he helped me bring Fundy into his hide out.

"How'd you not hear the TNT?!" I said as I carefully sat down Fundy on a wall.

"I was writing in my notebook and I guess I lost track" he said softly. "But I'm ready to help now!"

"Good because we need as much help as we can" I commented walking to the surface seeing Technoblade fighting Eret. I looked over and saw Wilbur fighting someone with a beanie on and Tommy was fighting a new man wearing a black suit and had horns.

"Shit we need to find Niki and we still have to put out the fire" I said frustrated.

"Leave it to me" Ranboo said looking at me. "You get Niki I can save stuff from the Houses"

I nodded as we both split up I ran to Nikis house only to see her stuff hovering and her laying in the bed to which I assumed because she respawned.

"Oh Niki" I said sadly picking up her stuff as I put her arm around shoulder and brought her to were Fundy was.

"Is she okay?!" Fundy panicked I didn't respond I only put her stuff into a chest and ran tears falling down my eyes.

"She- she'll be fine in a few days....." I looked away seeing one of my friends dying gave me flashbacks that I didn't want.

-With Tommy-

Tommy kept hitting at the man with horns. His sword clashed with his as the man only grinned till he chuckled. Tommy was at a higher angle because he was riding Fundy's horse.

"Oh Tommy this just to funny" he said which made Tommy stop.

"How do you know my name?" Tommy said looking at the man to which he learned was Schlatt because of dream yelling at him.

"I have something so precious to you Tommy" Schlatt grinned.

"Like what?" Tommy added jumping off the horse the rain still coming down hard.

"Why don't you come out and stop hiding........Tubbo"

————————————————————————Hello my beautiful readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I tried adding some quotes from the SMP so hopefully they fit right with the scenario going on! As always Remember you are ✨ Amazing ✨  just the way you are.

————————————————————————Hello my beautiful readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I tried adding some quotes from the SMP so hopefully they fit right with the scenario going on! As always Remember you are ✨ Amazing ✨  just the way you are

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