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charles_gillespie thinkin about how sav doesn't share food 😔

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savannahleemay i might share with you if you ask nicely :)
reply: onyxshada so rude... i didn't even get any

onyxshada don't fall... or do. your choice.
reply: charles_gillespie i jumped after this pic was taken
reply: onyxshada you really took my comment to a whole other level smh charles

user what are we not sharing?
reply: savannahleemay my candy 😣
reply: user understandable...

jeremyshada haha i got some 😏
reply: owenjoyner NOT FAIR
reply: onyxshada i'm telling mom and dad
reply: jeremyshada no please don't 😭
reply: sacha_carlson @onyxshada TELL TELL TELL

annabanana you were right onyxshada he is cute
reply: onyxshada don't expose me 🙈


just thought this was funny lmao enjoy! was only gonna post once a day but now i'm thinking twice a day cause i've been bored.

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