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real life

onyx was so excited for the day ahead. she was hanging out with carolynn, madison, jadah and savannah. she was going to ask them to be her bridesmaids. she was going home in a couple weeks to see her parents and anna where she would ask anna to be her maid of honor. for her last bridesmaid, she would have to facetime meghan, charlie's younger sister, because she wasn't going to see her in person for quite a while.

onyx spent the morning getting ready for her day, taking her time as she straightened her and did her makeup. charlie stepped into the bathroom, a sad look plastered over his face. "what's wrong, babe?"

"do you have to go?" he wrapped his arms around her waist. "i've been working like crazy and my one day off this week, you're leaving."

onyx giggled, placing a kiss on her fiancé's lips. "i'll just be gone a couple of hours. we're just going to hang out at jer and carolynn's place. i'll be back for dinner and we can do whatever you want."

"whatever i want?" his face lit up.

"whatever you want."

"i might have an idea," he pulled onyx into him, their hips pressed against each other. he kissed her, slipping his tongue passed her lips. she giggled, pushing him off of her.

"i have to get ready, charlie." he groaned, walking out of the bathroom. onyx closed the door and finished doing her makeup. she slipped into the closet, looking through her clothes. she finally decided on an oversized t-shirt and a pair of ripped mom jeans. heading out into the living room, she walked over to charlie who was sat on the couch. "i'm leaving. i'll be home in a couple of hours."

"fine," he groaned. "i love you. i'll see you later."

"i love you."

"can i talk to you guys?" onyx asked the girls as they settled on the couch after finishing a whole box of pizza.

"yeah, of course. is everything okay?" savannah asked.

"everything is fine. i just wanna ask you guys something," onyx walked over to her bag, pulling out four envelopes. she handed each of them to the girl's. they opened their envelopes at the same time, all of them gasping as they saw the front of the card. it read the question, "will you be my bridesmaid?". the words were written in gold, the card itself was black.

the girls opened their cards up, reading the words onyx wrote to each of them.

jadah and madison's card read the same thing, "thank you for being an amazing friend and the little sister i always wanted. i love you and would want nothing more than to say i do with you by my side. be my bridesmaid?"

savannah's card read, "sav, when i met you, i never would've imagined how close we'd get. you're like a sister to me and i can't get married without my girl by my side. be my bridesmaid?"

carolynn's card read, "care, i was by your side when you said i do to my big brother. that day, you became the sister i never had. i love you so much and my special day wouldn't be the same without you. be my bridesmaid?"

"onyx, i would love to," savannah had tears in her eyes, along with the other three girls.

carolynn agreed, "i would too. i still can't believe you're getting married. it's so exciting."

"has jeremy said anything to you about it? he hasn't really talked to me lately."

"i think at first he was a little weird about it, not because of charlie or anything, but you're his little sister. his only sister. he loves you. so much. he sees how happy you are and it makes him happy."

later that night...

onyx was sat on the couch with her fiancé, ready to facetime his sister. she clicked on her name, catching charlie's attention. "why are you calling meghan?"

"i'm asking her to be my bridesmaid and i'm not go-" she was cut off when meghan answered the phone.

"hey, onyx. what's up?" the girl's voice echoed through the phone.

"i have something to ask you."

meghan furrowed her eyebrows at onyx, "okay."

"will you be my bridesmaid?"

"oh my gosh yes," her eyes went wide with excitement.

"i wanted to ask you in person, but i don't know when i'll see you so i just decided to call you."

"awh, i'm so excited. are you with charlie right now?" onyx moved the phone to show charlie sitting next to her.

"hi, meghan," he waved at the camera.

"hi, i miss you guys."

"we miss you too," onyx replied.

"well, i have to go. i just got to work, so i'll talk to you tomorrow. love you."

"love you too, meg."

two weeks later...

onyx was sat on her bed with anna, ready to ask her to be her maid of honor. "i'm so excited you're home. i missed you."

"i missed you too. i just wish charlie could've come," charlie stayed back in canada to take care of the puppy onyx and him had gotten a month earlier.

"speaking of, how's nahkato?"

"he's getting so big. it makes me sad. i miss him," onyx made a sad face. "back to what i wanted to talk to you about." onyx pulled out a card, the same card she had given to carolynn and savannah. anna opened the card and gasped as she saw it.

anna's card read "i couldn't find a matching card that said maid of honor, but i would love it if you would be mine. i love you. you have been there with me through everything and i couldn't thank you enough. my day wouldn't be the same without my favorite girl. be my maid of honor?"

anna's eyes filled with tears, a few slipping out. "i would be honored to be your maid of honor," she giggled. "i love you, onyx. my girl is getting married," she squealed.


guys i was obsessed with the idea of the cards because my sister in law used cards like that to ask my sisters and i to her her bridesmaids a couple years ago and i just absolutely love the simple ways because it's not super extravagant but its still special. okay anyways, thanks for reading guys!!!

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