He Admits His Feelings To You ♥

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【 Kuro Kaneki 】:

You and Kaneki have been good friends since you've started collage. Hes been extremely kind and sweet to you and you havent realized until today. You were sitting at the school cafeteria, taking a sip of your favorite coffee. You put the cup down and realized a shadow that was covering your sunlight. It was Kaneki.

" H-hi(Y/N). Could I sit with you?" He asked shyly, looking at his empty plate of food. You nodded to him slowly, unsure why he'd ask to sit with you since he always sits with you. Taking another sip of your coffee, you glanced over to him and frowned slightly. He kept his head low as he twirled his fingers around like he was bored.

"Are you alright?" You asked, putting down you cup of coffee.

"I... I... I like you. And I... I don't want to be just friends...!" he spitted out, his face turning red after.

"I like you too." You smiled at him and giggled softly.

【 Shiro Kaneki 】:

You sat down under a nearby tree. It was a hot summers day and you wanted to read your favorite book, (favorite book name). You suddenly heard a loud thud in front of you, and noticed someone standing 10 metres away from you.

"(Y/N)." A familiar voice ran through your mind, as the soft breeze hit you. Your heart raced as you realized who was standing in front of you.

"Kaneki." You said expressionless. He took a step closer to you and you took a step back from him. But you weren't fast enough. He grabbed your arm and look into your eyes. His pale grey eyes looked into your (bright/pale eye color). You shook your arm as you tired to loosen his grip. Unfortunately, his grip was too tight. You glared at him.

"What the hell do you want from me?" He didnt answer, but kept looking at you. You laughed harshly at him. "So, your not talking anymore? First you leave without saying anything to me and now you're not talking. Pathetic." He pulled you closer to him and wrapped his arms around you.

"Don't talk to me like that. That isn't you," He whispered slowly in your ear. "I came back to tell you I love you." Shockingly, you stayed quiet in his arms as the day went past.

【 Hide 】 :

"(Y/N) - Chan!" You turned around and noticed Hide running toward you with a grin on his face. You sighed loudly and curved your mouth into a smile. You two are going out to have lunch together. Well, was. The lunch bar must of closed since it was 3:30 pm.

"Why on earth are you so late?" You sighed loudly. Hide laughed, itching the back of his head. "It won't happen again (Y/N) - Chan, I promise!" You chuckled. Suddenly everything went silent between you two. You've known Hide ever since you were kids and now you've basically been best friends since.

"(y/n), what do you think of me?" He asked cheerfully. You looked blankly at him, unsure about what he meant. "I mean, do you like me?" Without hesitation you looked at him with the 'what do you think' expression. "I mean, do you like like me?" You stopped and thought about it.

"Why?" You asked. He looked at you and grabbed your hand.

"Because I like you!"

【 Ayato 】:

"Why did you follow him (Y/N)?" Ayato asked, rasing his voice. You and Ayato use to be good friends until he left you and his sister, Touka. Since then, you've hated him and what he was doing - killing innocent lives because they deserve it.

"Why would you care anyway?" You snapped loudly. A new student that you were showing around has recently bit you. He was a ghoul, but you obviously had no idea. Luckily, Ayato killed him before he killed you.

"Why do I care? Why don't you think about that idiot." He said angrily. He looked at the dead ghouls body and frowned. You clinched your fits.

"I don't know! I don't-"

Ayato pulled you toward his body, looking down at you. "Because I love you you idiot." He said, calming down his voice.

Nishiki 】 :

Nishiki and you are typical enemies. He would always think hes better then you but you know that you'll be always and forever better then him. And now for some reason you have to partner up with him with your upcoming exam.

"(Y/n) , what are you doing over there? Come sit here with me. You know you want to." He joked. You glared at him and ignored him. You suddenly noticed him staring at you with his glasses.

"What are you lookong at? Have you not seen me before?" You sighed loudly. He smiled at you slightly. "Your cute when you're angry."

"Go to hell." You say as you kept writing down notes onto your book. He got up of the chair and started walking toward you. He spun your chair around to face him.

"Nishiki!" You yelled at him with frustration. He leaned into you and now your noses are touching. You suddenly turned pink but you didnt know why.

"I like you, (Y/N)."

《I hope you enjoyed my first chapter! Im sorry about how short Hide and Kuro Kaneki bits were xD it might not be short but it seemed like it was.

★ Any suggestions on how i should improve on my writing?

★ Any suggestions on what i should do next?

Thanks for reading guys! I love yous ♥ 》

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