Looking in Your Big Brown Eyes... This I Promise You

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Dear God,

I know that you are good, and you take care of all things from the littlest ant to a big uncle, to the little owls that hoot, and even my "not so little" puppy!

I know he is 10 years old, but I can remember that Christmas laying in bed when I woke up to my little one in my arms. He came up on my bed where my parents set him there and he came up and started licking my face. I was crazy and little, and I was wondering what was going on. I though my little brother was licking me for some reason. Yes a little 6 year old has a crazy imagination.

I was BEGGING my parents for a puppy! I know my dad still teases me that I always used to say, "We aren't a family without a doggy." I was little, so of course I would say that. I know now that's not true, but to wee little one a puppy is all they ask for. That's all I've ever wanted.

On that Christmas was one of the best days of my life. To me, my little puppy was the Best Thing then. Other than Jesus. I loved my family (my brother was annoying but who could change that?), my little bubby, and MY Jesus.

I thought my new puppy (well the one that was handed to me. The other one was set on my brother's bed) was a girl. I always thought anything handed to me that was an animal (stuffed or living) was a girl. Even my stuffed dog that I might or might not have put glittery nail polish on the nose was a girl. Like my stuffed dog (which I named Fluffy clever right?) had tiny pink ribbons in it's hair of course it was a girl.

Because I thought my puppy was a girl I took my build a bear tshirt that was pink and said "Princess" on it and put it over "his" head. I know You thought I was a little crazy, but I know You made me that way. I had the weirdest look on my face when my mom told me "She" was actually a "He". My mom still has the picture of him in the tshirt... Somewhere. I don't think that tiny tshirt will fit him now.

I remember he used to chew on EVERYTHING and by that I mean EVERYTHING!!! There is still a spot on the corner of the wall on the stairs where he chewed. I always thought it was funny, yet he never ate my homework. Go figure!! He even ate my brothers giant chocolate bar that my brother won for something I don't remember. It was a WHOLE 7 oz chocolate bar, but he was okay. We looked it up and the Internet said the darker the chocolate is the more sick dogs get. And depends on their size.

He is a chocolate lab after all. Either that or the coco puffs that I used to give them when I was little because I thought they deserved a treat.

Yet if we used to switch dog foods on him he would get "sick".

Anyway I'm trying to ask if you can look after my "not so little" puppy. He was the runt in the litter, so I guess that's why my parents picked him out. But of course there must be difficulties in being the runt. He was the smallest (which I think is from his mommy's side) and also very heavy.

I know what it's like to be "slightly overweight" but my puppy I know carries more than I do. He has enough to shed to make another dog, but I don't think he's all "fluff".

What I think hurts me the most that You know is to see him walk around. Stumble and fall. He has long claws, but they don't help in this situation, on my kitchen floor. He slid and fell today, and it's not the first time. But it's the first time it's really hit me. I saw him fall, and it took a few minutes to get back up. His back knees aren't the strongest, and it makes it hard for him to walk sometimes. He is ok sometimes and others he struggles. My mom tries to keep him up stairs during the day so both of them can enjoy us, but at night we have to put them back downstairs. I saw him struggle to get down to the first landing. I set his pillow there, and that's where he is sleeping right now I think. I was petting him and his EXTREMELY soft ears. I've always loved that about MY puppy his soft ears. And His big brown wet nose, and most important... His gorgeous big brown puppy eyes. He's a strong dog on the inside, but in those eyes I see my puppy that I got that Christmas morning ten years ago. My mom says he will be ok. I hear you say "This I Promise You" but I want to feel those words You say. I'm scared. Through these tears is a scared little girl that wants her puppy to be ok. I want my little puppy.

I know I should be praying for that test tomorrow that I'm EXTREMELY NERVOUS ABOUT, or ask about my looks, my "one" or something that would keep my mind and my heart off of my little Bubby, but my sweet little puppy I that had licked my face since the first time we met can never be put Outta my mind!!!


Love your little tear filled Princess👑😭
Love your Brown Eyed Loving Daughter 😘😍

Melody ❤️❤️

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