Chapter 13

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"Finally! I thought you changed your mind, love" Steve shouts as soon as he opens the door to his penthouse.

It's been a week since the incident and Tony's spent it considering his options and if he really should move in with Steve. At this point he's sure he's in love with the older man but he can't help thinking the what if's. What if they break up? He'll end up homeless again. What if Steve isn't showing his true colors? Maybe he's an ass, they don't know each other for that long.

Despite all his insecurities the teen decided to risk it. There wasn't much he could do anyway since he quitted his job and had no way to pay his rent.

"Well now I'm here you don't have to worry" Tony chuckles as he walks in.

"Yeyy! Welcome home doll!" Steve says too excited to stand still.

"I swear you're an overgrown baby"

"Yes but you love this overgrown baby! " Steve laughs and then stops when he realizes what he said.

They stay in uncomfortable silence that seems to last a lifetime just staring each other.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean-" The blond starts only to be cut by the younger boy.

"Don't be... It's true you know... I do love you"

"Well...I love you too! "

They share a sweet but heated long kiss.

________tiny time skip( Ik y'all expected it but I can't write smut sorry)_____________

Sometime later they're both laying on the king size bed under the bedsheets in each other's arms both naked and happy. Steve stares down at Tony's head rested on his chest and he's overwhelmed with a soft feeling when he realizes that the teen's fallen asleep. He sighs quietly and closes his eyes too.

He's waken half an hour later by a loud knocking on the door. With a groan he untangles himself and goes to answer. As soon as he opens the door he's face to face with a familiar redhead good looking woman and a man with dirty blonde hair right behind her.

"Em... Sorry how can I help you? "

"Hi! My name is Natasha remember me? We met in the cafe a while ago and this is Clint" Steve finally recalls their meeting when he was looking for Tony all this time ago.

"Yes, hello Natasha. How can I help you?" He repeats.

"We're here to see-" She starts only to be interrupted by a certain brunet.

"Steve? What's going on? Who's at the door? "

"Tony! " Natasha completes looking at her friend behind the older man.

"Omg! Tasha! Clint! What are you guys doing here? "

"We wanted to check on you Tones. See if you needed any help moving in or something"

"Aw you guys... No need to worry I'm fine"

"You sure?" Clint asks.


"You can come in guys if you want" Steve says always the polite host.

"Sure thanks" Natasha says as she walks in Clint following behind.

They're all sitting in the living room when they hear a key on the door. Tony looks around in alarm but then he notices Steve just chuckling and shout "You really should stop doing this Buck you know I don't live alone anymore, you could walk in something you don't want someday"

"Hahaha okay punk got it" Bucky says as he comes into view. "Hey Tony! What's up man? Oh I see you have company! Stevie where's your manners won't you introduce me to the lady? "

"Back off!" Clint says laughing but there's a protective note in his voice.

"So Bucky this Natasha and the idiot next to her is Clint. They're my best friends. Guys this is Bucky Barnes Steve's best friend" Tony makes the introductions.

"Hey Tones! Just because I'm not a genius like you doesn't mean I'm an idiot! " Clint protests.

"But you're though" Natasha says and then gives him a peck on the cheek to shut him up.

That's how they found themselves all together in Steve's -and now Tony's too- living room messing around and Tony thinks he's never been happier...

Heyyyy! Two months since the last update sorry again it took me so long!
Truth to be told this chapter was ready to post since last week but I wanted to wait because today is my amaZayn's baby's birthday! Happiest of birthdays Zaynieeeeee I absolutely adore you!Nobody Is Listening will be out on 15th go listen to is as well as Vibez and Better!
Anyway this story is coming to an end only an epilogue is left. Thanks to everyone who read, voted or/and commented!
Lots of love and tpwk
P. S. I wanna struggle my self with Zayn's hair( if you know what I mean please be my friend)

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