Chapter 1

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It's late in the afternoon and Tony is alone at the cafe. His boss had asked him that morning if it was okay with him and of course Tony assured him it was fine. And it really was. It wasn't like he had anything better to do he hadn't enough to pay for Wi-Fi this month so he couldn't attend his courses.

It's a small but cute place with round tables and uncomfortable old-fashioned chairs. The wallpaper on the wall has tiny flowers in baby blue background. There's a counter across the door and that's where they prepare the drinks.

As Tony's preparing some customer's coffee the bell on the door rings letting him know that someone has get in the shop. He lifts his eyes and he's looking directly at the gorgeous man that just entered. The man is tall at least 6 ft and Tony takes in the way his dress shirt stretches in his muscular torso. The guy has also the most ocean eyes and soft blond hair. Across the table sits an other man who looks kinda awkward. Tony's gaze drifts again to the first man and he thinks that he has seen this face before.

He serves his previous customer and goes to take the men's order. "Good afternoon gentlemen what can bring you? " He asks politely but apparently the blond doesn't appreciate it since he grunts and says " Ugh finally! God the service in this hole is absolutely terrible!"

Tony is not surprised at all by his rudeness. It's obviously not the first time someone's being rude to him -life in the streets can be tough- but he can't accept it. He's annoyed when people who consider themselves better because they're just luckier don't give a fuck for the others so he doesn't let it pass.

He raises his eyebrow and answers in the same tone "Well excuse me sir but as you can probably see if you look somewhere further than your nose I'm alone in the shop right now and there're people that came before you so if you can't wait a little and you think the service is that horrible you can always go somewhere else preferably to hell. " The man's eyes go wide and his mouth hangs open speechless.

The tension cuts hesitantly the brunet man " Hmm I would like a hot green tea if its not much trouble. " He says politely. "Of course whatever you want sir" " Bring me a scotch and quickly "comes from the blond who now has gotten over his surprise and leans back in the chair looking Tony in interest.

The boy with a nod goes to the counter and starts making the drinks. He has learned how to make everything in the menu by now. He's working there more than a year. His only friends are the kids that he works with: Natasha the scariest girl he's ever seen (and he has lived in the streets) and Clint who is the most annoying person to ever walk the earth.

He brings the drinks to the men. The blond just takes a long sip and observes the teen. The brunet nods a thank you. They pay him the latter makes sure to give a generous tip and Tony goes back to the counter. Half an hour later the two men leave.

Four hours pass and it's finally time to close the place and head home. Oh god he's exhausted. He cleans everything grabs his extremely warn out and out of season jacket and gets out.

As he's ready to lock he hears steps behind him. He turns around and comes face to face with the blond man from the afternoon. " Oh hey have you forgotten anything sir? " He asks. " I don't know I can't find my keys and I thought that they may be here " The man answers and Tony realizes who he is " Oh dear god you're Steve Rogers! " The man looks confused for a moment and then he just nods. " Okay come in and let's see if you can find your keys. "

They look around for a while but finally give up. " I don't think that you lost your keys in here sorry sir" " Yeah it doesn't seem possible. Also can you please stop calling me sir? It makes me feel like one hundred years old. " " As you wish Mr. Rogers " The boy say laughing " Well I guess as long as you have a way to get in your house or somewhere to spend the night I am not necessary anymore so it was nice to meet you " Tony doesn't wait for an answer and starts walking down the street.

Just before he turns in the corner he hears Rogers swearing. Tony always cares about the others. It was a promise he made to himself when he managed to rent the apartment. He'll always help whoever needs help. So he looks back and says loud enough for Steve to hear him " Hey Rogers you can of course come to mine to spend the night " He waits a little and as he's about to leave the older man comes slowly " Thank you kid I owe you " " Since I know your name without you wanting me to I'll tell you mine... I am Tony" " Well nice to meet you Tony and again thank you " " Pleasure all mine and don't be so grateful as soon as you see the place you'll freak out".

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