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Steve Rogers doesn't know the way the world works. Ever since the day he was born he never had to do anything. So he doesn't know how the little guy fights to survive.

Steve's father was a businessman. A good one. He started with a  small company he inherited from Steve's grandfather but he was clever enough to make it a kingdom. Of course Steve is the heir of the company— “Rogers industries”.

When he was little he used to live in the same house with his parents although they weren't always there. Even when they were though it wasn't like he really talked to them. He had a personal butler and a couple of maids to take care of him so his parents didn't have to check on him.

He was 7 years old when his father decided that the best for him and mostly for his and the company's future was to send him to a boarding school. There he met other kids just like him. Rich spoil children who don't know how the world works even though they practically own it.

After that he only saw his parents at special occasions and celebrations. He spent his Christmas spring and summer breaks either with at his friends mansions either in exotic islands and other countries.

So when he received the call of his mother asking him to go back because his father got ill and he was close to the end Steve didn't care to hurry up. He never got to see his father again. He didn't feel sad or empty or something like that. He felt like nothing changed. He was 16.

Three years later he received the same call for his mother. He made the same mistake. When he arrived at the hospital she was already gone. Again he didn't feel loss. He didn't feel numb. He only felt a little sad because he had no parents and he didn't even got to know them before they were long gone. This time was different. This time he got to stay. He had to take over the company.

He moved to his family house and try to seem responsible and able of being the CEO of maybe the most successful business of US. He didn't make it. People adored him and look up to him but he was only a public image. He couldn't run a business let alone make the difference.

At the end he wasn't someone who tried and succeeded like his father. He wasn't even someone who tried and failed. He was just lucky.

So everyone would wonder how a 25-year-old Steve Rogers could ever meet a 17-year-old Tony Stark?
Hey this is a really short description of Steve's life. I couldn't write anything else as hard as I tried. Sorry it's not good. Also I decided I'll try to update every weekend. If not I'll let you know. The main story begins at the next chapter.

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